#1 Brock Lesnar almost quit WWE after his first match back at Extreme Rules 2012

Brock Lesnar returned to WWE in 2012, on the night after WrestleMania. He quickly got into a feud with the ‘Face that runs the place’ John Cena – their heated feud leading to a match at Extreme Rules 2012. This was Brock Lesnar’s first match since his return and despite being booked to lose, Brock was supposed to be made to look like a monster. This included Lesnar dominating most of the match and Cena having to be carried to the back in a stretcher after the match despite winning to get over what a beast Brock was.
However, after Cena won the match, he broke script and decided to cut a promo before walking to the back on his own. Needless to say, Brock was fuming. He screamed at producers backstage and accused WWE of trying to make his character look weak. Brock was so angry he even threatened to leave the company but he was eventually calmed down.
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