#7 Daniel Bryan's injuries as champion

WWE spent months building up Daniel Bryan as a top babyface of the company. He suffered immensely as a babyface, and experienced a lot of adversity as a wrestler, only for him to keep defying the Authority, no matter what kinds of torture they threw his way.
This culminated in Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XXX in one of the most satisfying moments in WWE history. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be, as Bryan suffered a major injury that cut his WWE Championship reign short.
Bryan’s first WWE title run – the one that was built up so much and had so much investment behind it – lasted a mere 64 days before Bryan was forced to surrender the title before undergoing neck surgery.
This caused WWE to change their plans for the WWE Championship, and thus prevented them from booking several potential dream matches with Daniel Bryan as champion that could’ve brought WWE a ton of money in the form of ticket sales and more widespread popularity and critical acclaim.