Earlier this year, we made a wish list of WWE Superstars who need to adopt a new finisher. But just like Braun Strowman, we aren’t finished either! Here, we have just extended the list even further. However, this time out we are looking at WWE Superstars who are using finishers that are either underwhelming or just way too over-done!
Do you have any more names in your mind? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
#1 Bayley

Let’s get over with the first name that came to your mind. Bayley’s finisher is called ‘Bayley to Belly’. Now, the intern who came up with that name definitely deserves a raise. However, what’s hidden behind the very apt name is a simple Belly to Belly suplex.
Something that Big E uses as an appetizer during his matches. Let us also state the fact that Big E’s Belly to Belly suplexes look way more devastating that Bayley’s. In theory, it is the perfect move for Bayley’s character. After all, it does resemble a ‘hug’. However, the execution makes it one of the weakest finishers in WWE today.
New Finisher: Scissored Armbar with stomps
Now, let’s not put all the thought behind ‘Bayley to Belly’ go to waste. After all, it can still be bettered by executing it off the top rope. However, it would be a great idea to give Bayley a second finisher.
Bayley has executed the 'Scissored Armbar with Stomps' in WWE NXT against Sasha Banks & the result looks incredibly impressive. Considering the fact that WWE is rumoured to be working on a heel-turn for Bayley in the near future, this move definitely will give her a ruthless edge. Also, this move definitely has a 'desperation' vibe to it.
#2 Chad Gable

Chad Gable is another name on the list that desperately needs a new finisher. Don’t get us wrong, Chad’s execution of the German Suplex to a bridge cover looks beautiful. It is often executed with the utmost grace.
However, if we were honest, it doesn’t seem like anything more than a signature move. Chad Gable is one of the most technically gifted ‘wrestlers’ in WWE right now & we have just the right finisher for him.
New Finisher: Ankle Lock
Yes, we agree that this would suit Jason Jordan more basis the current storyline. But Chad Gable deserves a submission hold in his arsenal that he can call on to kill off matches. To be honest, the Ankle Lock is mentioned as his finisher on Wikipedia. After all, the move does seem tailor-made for him.
Few Superstars have tried their hand at the Ankle Lock in the recent past, but none have been able to make it as famous as Kurt Angle did. We would definitely place our bets on Chad to bring back popularity to this simple yet ridiculously impactful move.
#3 Braun Strowman

Arguably one of the most ‘over’ Superstars in the locker room right now, Braun Strowman has a decent enough finisher. His Running Powerslam looks devastating; especially because of the way Braun executes it. But let’s not deny an opportunity to make Braun look even more monstrous.
New Finisher: The Chokeslam
The Chokeslam is a legendary move made famous by the likes of The Undertaker, Kane & The Big Show. However, all three are on the verge of retiring & we still haven’t passed on this move completely. Granted, Baron Corbin regularly uses the ‘Chokeslam Backbreaker’ as his signature move, but it would be a shame if this move is relegated to being just a ‘signature move’.
The problem with The Chokeslam is that the one who is executing it needs to have tremendous strength to hold his opponent in the air & drop them on the mat safely. We have heard enough tales of Kane’s strength and we are pretty sure The Undertaker & The Big Show aren’t too far behind. If only WWE had another Superstar who is as strong as the above-mentioned names...
The underlining fact would be that maybe Braun Strowman doesn’t need The Chokeslam as much as the move needs him. Plus, he has already pulled off a Chokeslam here & there, and it does suit him well.
#4 Becky Lynch

Everything about Becky Lynch is just perfect. The way she looks, her puns, accent, moves and so on. But she falls short in just one department, and that is the fact that she doesn’t have a non-submission finisher. Look at Charlotte Flair for instance.
She uses the ‘Figure 8’ to kill off 90% of her matches, but she does have the ‘Natural Selection’ as a back-up for the remaining 10%. Becky needs the same. Her Dis-Arm-Her is perfect, we just need to add more to her arsenal.
New Finisher: Pumphandle Suplex
The Pumphandle Suplex can be a great finisher for Becky if done with a bit more viciousness. It complements her style of fighting, which includes a lot of suplexes. It makes all the sense in this world to make one of the suplexes her finisher.
Maybe she can add more intensity to the move by executing it off the top rope. Okay, the strategy is a reserved copy-paste for Bayley & Becky. A valid point nevertheless.
#5 Big Cass

Yes, we haven’t forgotten about this big man. Big Cass’s world might be a lot different once he nurses his injury & returns to WWE, but you can’t deny that he is everything that is traditionally expected out of a WWE Superstar.
Standing at 7 feet tall & a physique that complements his personality, he can definitely be groomed into one of the top Superstars in WWE. With one addition of course, a new finisher! What do we have in mind?
New Finisher: The Last Ride
If you look at Big Cass’ arsenal, he has a lot of simple moves that are executed with a lot of intensity. So, why not add one more simple move, but with the most intensity. The Last Ride was perfected by The Undertaker where he leverages his height to make a Powerbomb more surreal.
Standing a whole 2 inches taller than The Undertaker, imagine a Last Ride unloaded by Big Cass! Unlike every other entry in the list, he hasn’t ever executed this move, but we definitely hope that someone out there is listening.
#6 Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode is absolutely glorious. But not the same can be said about his finisher. Lifting DDTs have stuck around in the history of WWE in different forms, the latest one being the 'Glorious DDT'. In general, DDTs are great, but for the sake of Bobby, we were on a hunt for something that’s as glorious as him!
New Finisher: Roode Bomb
In 2014, Bobby Roode introduced the ‘Roode Bomb’ to the world. A move that was rarely used by Bobby due to difficulties in execution, it is a Fireman’s Carry Neckbreaker Slam that is way flashier that the Glorious DDT. Fits the bill perfectly we’d say.
We aren't overlooking the fact that it is difficult to execute it, hence it can perhaps be introduced as Roode’s Super Finisher. Something he can pull off his arsenal at the grandest of stages.
#7 Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn is a great personality. On his day, he can be the perfect babyface or an annoying heel. That’s great news for him because ideally, this would mean that he is set for a long spell in WWE since he is multi-dimensional. You can’t even complain about his skills in the ring either.
Rarely dpes anyone ever have a bad match with Sami Zayn. With a move set that’s a mix of some good hits, suplexes & grapple holds, Sami Zayn probably has the most complete arsenal, second to maybe only AJ Styles right now. However, his finisher looks a bit dicey. Helluva Kick is a good finisher, but it needs a lot of setting up. Adding a submission finisher would, in that case, be a good idea!
New Finisher: The Koji Clutch
Sami Zayn has used this move quite a few times in WWE NXT, but somehow hasn’t used it regularly. The Koji Clutch could be to Sami Zayn what the Calf Crusher is to AJ Styles. What makes it even better is the fact that it could be used in a sequence with the Helluva Kick as well, in matches with great intensity.
Like mentioned before, Sami Zayn is a great personality in WWE right now & we sure hope he is utilized in the most optimal way possible. The Koji Clutch would be a great way to add another dimension to this already talented Superstar, one that’s a bit more aggressive!
#8 Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns is WWE’s most enigmatic personality of the hour. You can book him like an underdog, the Big Dog, a good guy, a bad guy or even the guy…but nothing seems to help subdue the boos & turn them into cheers. He is probably hated even more now for the fact that he ‘retired’ The Undertaker! (Though, did he?)
Physically, Roman Reigns seems tailor-made to be WWE’s next dominant force. But his moveset? Not really. The WWE Universe is tired of seeing the man pull out the same 2-3 combinations & often under-sell the opponents moves (cue: Seth Rollins’ Buckle Bomb ending up in a Superman punch). Add to that the fact that his Spears are probably not in the same league as how some older WWE Superstars used to pull it off.
Is there a way around? We think so.
New Finisher(s): Powerbomb – all variants
Now, Roman Reigns is a strong wrestler. He can dead-lift almost 80% of the current roster of the mat (something we have been shown over & over again). So, why not apply a formula that’s already worked for WWE in the recent past. Yes, we are looking at Suplex City.
Brock Lesnar earned a lot of plaudits pulling out all kinds (okay, not all. Maybe 3-4) of Suplexes. Reign can probably have a similar feat, but this time with Powerbombs. He already pulls off a few impressive powerbombs now & then.
The Triple Powerbomb, Crucifix Sitout Powerbomb, Conventional Sitout Powerbomb, Deadlift Single-Arm Powerbomb & so on. Bank on it maybe? Finishing matches with different variants of Powerbombs will be something fresh to see for the WWE Universe
Adding ‘The Last Ride’ to the list would be just a bonus. After all, he did retire The Undertaker! (Again, did he really?)
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