#4 'Bella Glam/Bella Style/Bella Body'

It’s no secret that WWE still thinks very highly of the Bella Twins. The duo have become ‘celebrities’ of sorts thanks to being the stars of two WWE-centric reality TV shows, and thus the company’s higher-ups have sought to make as much money off their growing popularity as possible.
To that end, WWE have trademarked several terms associated with the ‘Bella’ name, which includes various merchandise items, fitness-related products, and even baby products and aromatherapy materials.
This shows the lengths to which WWE is trying to enter other, non-wrestling-related markets: by capitalizing on any popularity one of their stars gets, the company will then seek to trademark – and therefore protect – any name and likeness associated with that star that they’ve created.
Whether this particular entry succeeds for WWE remains to be seen, however.