#7 Botched lines

Earlier this year, after an episode of 205 Live transpired, exclusive footage on a rather intriguing angle was uploaded on WWE.com showing Buddy Murphy, 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick, and an official in a backstage segment.
In the aforementioned segment, Maverick started off, saying, "Buddy, by the terms of your agreement in the co. (company)," before losing his train of thought, flubbing out, and apologizing.
Regardless, he moved on--clapping his hands, and saying "Let's do it again 3-2-1". He then followed up, saying, "As terms of your participation in the WWE Cruiserweight Championship tournament...".
The first thing that ought to be made clear in this segment is Maverick wasn't at fault here, since the WWE's editing team weren't meant to put forth the unedited footage in its exclusive video package. This footage was uploaded not only as a part of the TV broadcast, but also in the video-on-demand upload.
This isn't a problem in itself, but the fact that WWE's usually razor-sharp editing team completely missed it, makes it one of the year's more notable production botches.