#6 Why would any other Japanese stars want to come to WWE?

There's no point denying it any longer, the WWE have a real problem with their booking of Shinsuke Nakamura. Yes, he did beat John Cena clean on Smackdown to become the number one contender for the WWE Championship, but this isn't 2010, and beating Cena clean isn't that much of a big deal anymore.
In all of his other rivalries, Nakamura has just come across as a round peg in a square hole.
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Last night's WWE Championship match was the worst of the bunch. A slow, awkward series of moves followed by a slight distraction and a clean victory for Mahal was far from what most of us were expecting.
While a lot of people might be unaware of Shinsuke's true abilities, those who watched him as part of NJPW, and later on NXT, know how good the Japanese sensation can be. Signing him was a stroke of genius on the part of WWE, but they just haven't managed to get it right with him since, at least not on the main roster.
The reason his purchase was so important was that Shinsuke was effectively being used as a guinea-pig to see whether it was plausible for big names from Japan to come to the States and make a similar name for themselves.
NJPW is undoubtedly the king of the Japenese wrestling market at the moment, and this is something the WWE should not take lightly. Their appeal is also currently making huge waves in the US to the point where an NJPW US Tour is starting to sound like a more attractive prospect than a WWE Japanese Tour.
If handled correctly, Nakamura's time with WWE could have precipitated more big names from the Far East to consider a career state-side. After last night, and following the months of half-hearted booking that has come before it, why would somebody like Okada or Naito even think about following in the footsteps of the "King of Strong Style"?
If the rise of NJPW continues to the point where they can successfully challenge Vince's company on US soil, it will be booking decisions like last night's that will prove to be where WWE let their lead slip.