#3 Sami Zayn vs Daniel Bryan and how it benefits Drew Gulak

Drew Gulak had to face former Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura this week, with the stipulation being that if Gulak beat Nakamura, Daniel Bryan would be guaranteed an Intercontinental title match at WrestleMania 36.
As expected, that's what happened and we'll now be getting Daniel Bryan vs Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental title at WrestleMania 36. In any other circumstance, that match is quite surreal, but the silver lining is that Drew Gulak is benefiting now more than ever.
It's even bigger than when he was WWE Cruiserweight Champion. It's clear that this is an alliance that Daniel Bryan personally pushed for and he's using his role in WWE now to help others as much as possible.
Had it not been for Daniel Bryan, there likely would have been no KofiMania last year and if this current alliance works, it could mean a huge push for Gulak. Also, we're glad that WWE decided to have Bryan help Gulak in order to protect Shinsuke Nakamura.