8 Things about wrestling we believed when we were kids

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Growing up we didn't know much about behind the scenes as much as on-screen

#3 Authority figures and general managers actually had power

Image result for Paul heyman vince mcmahon eric bischoff
A clear example of that is Eric Bishoff and Vince McMahon

Back in the time Raw and Smackdown had their general manager. They were shown (and still are) like they are the ones who are making matches for the shows and respective PPVs, signing superstars to the WWE and firing the ones who they don't like.

Since the time, GMs and authority figures were presented to us as the heels (though now it has changed a little bit) which led us to believe they were the real ones who were setting up these things thought it wasn't the same. The creative department and WWE writers were the real ones who were setting up these feuds for fans.

A clear example of that is Eric Bishoff and Vince McMahon. Since becoming the GM (Eric Bishoff) and the authority figure (Mr. McMahon).

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Edited by Amar Anand
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