#1. Vince McMahon got mad at Triple H and Stephanie McMahon over agame of pool

After reading all the stories before this one, it should be pretty clear by now that Vince McMahon is extremely competitive. He is obsessed trying to one-up his own employees, and in this case, against his own family.
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In the above video, Triple H detailed how Vince got mad when the McMahons' were playing pool at their holiday home in Boca. Family games are supposed to be fun. However, McMahon and his daughter like to rub their victories in each other's faces.
"It was real close, but we [Steph & HHH] ended up winning. He [Vince] was so mad that he had to leave and go sit outside on the deck for a while."
Stephanie McMahon kept boasting about her win over Vince all night long and sang, "You're tied to the whipping post, dad" to get a reaction out of him.
This moment culminated in the most entertaining way possible when Stephanie and Triple H could literally hear Vince McMahon screaming in anger on the other side of the house.
It looks like owning and managing the most famous pro wrestling company on the planet couldn't prepare Vince McMahon for losing a game of pool against his own family.