The Vaudevillains: “Quite Manly”
Let’s start with a shirt worthy of the most elite knuckle sandwich artistes, Aiden English and Simon Gotch’s delightfully masculine top gear. For a shirt to be considered a success, the wrestler or team does not need to be one. It can be heel or face, black or colored, pictures or script, as long as it looks good.
The wrestlers represented could have a record of ZERO WINS and it could still be the dopest threads on your block. Although I can’t think of a wrestler with a shirt that has never won a match, but whatever. Hell, you don’t even have to like the team to looked dipped. Luckily I’m a fan of Gotch and English so this works for me two-fold.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Black base with a font straight out of McCabe And Mrs. Miller. Bellowing proudly a respectful acclamation of machismo. Robust courtesy. Dignified aggression. Chivalry.
Cracker Rating: 8 Oh Henry! Candy Bars