Becky Lynch: “Lass Kicker”
The Irish Firestarter has a simple yet effective design for what is easily the best-looking shirt from the Women’s division. Black base with Halloween Orange print, this shirt doesn’t say “flashy” as much as it says “gears?” Honestly, I’m not sure what the gears are supposed to represent. Maybe she fancies herself a small part of a larger machine? That seems like a weird stretch so let’s deduct a couple of points and move on to what really makes this shirt great: Puns. I’m a sucker for puns.
Some people find them to be low-brow humor but some people are wrong. Puns are delightful, especially when almost-kinda-swears are incorporated. Hehehehe...LASS kicker...outrageous!
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Cracker Rating: 93% Of An Authentic Coat Of Dis-Arms
Side note: There’s an old unwritten rule about what to wear when going to a punk rock show, and it’s the only rule. ‘Do Not Wear a Shirt Of The Band You Are Going To See’. Other bands’ shirts are acceptable and even encouraged. Personally, to avoid any confusion I wear band shirts to wrestling shows and wrestling shirts to music performances.
A wrestling shirt at a wrestling show is totally fine as long as you don’t wear the shirt of anyone on the card. No matter how much I love this shirt you wouldn’t catch me dead at a Smackdown Live with it, but it would be my first choice for a Dead To Me basement show. Also, always wear white to a GWAR show.