Darby Allin vs Joey Janela vs Jimmy Havoc
Jimmy Havoc took out a staple gun right away and stapled himself for some reason. Janela and Allin then joined forces and they taped Jimmy Havoc to a chair at ringside. Janela and Allin then put thumbtacks in Havoc's mouth and taped it.
Darby Allin and Joey Janel then went at each other in the ring. Allin headed to the top rope and instead of going for Janela, leaped at Havoc who was taped to the chair outside. Janela had set up a table at ringside.
Havoc sent Janela face-first into the post before the action headed back into the ring. He then took out a piece of paper and proceeded to inflict a number of papercuts on Joey Janela. Janela replied with a Brainbuster onto a steel chair. Janela then hit an incredible flip powerbomb from the apron to the table outside, breaking Darby Allin in half.
Darby Allin then sent Jimmy Havoc through another table at ringside. He then took the Cracker Barrel barrel and headed to the top rope. Havoc was set up on the steel steps at ringside and Allin leapt at Havoc. Luckily for Havoc, he moved just in time.
Back in the ring, Janela headed to the top rope. However, Havoc tossed him into another Barrell which was in the middle of the ring. Janela's foot went through it and Havoc followed it up with an Acid Rain Maker for the win.
WINNER: Jimmy Havoc
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.