AEW Double or Nothing Results: 2 new champions, Former Impact World Champion debuts, Stadium Stampede 

The Stadium Stampede didn't disappoint
The Stadium Stampede didn't disappoint

AEW Double or Nothing didn't disappoint. We had three title matches on the card, a massive debut as well as the first-ever Stadium Stampede match between The Elite and The Inner Circle. Double or Nothing saw the first TNT Champion being crowned with Mike Tyson on hand to present the award. Without further ado, let's get to the results.


Best Friends won the pre-show match against Private Party to become the #1 contenders for the AEW Tag Team Championships.

Casino Ladder Match - Darby Allin vs Orange Cassidy vs Colt Cabana vs Joey Janela vs Scorpio Sky vs Luchasaurus vs Kip Sabian vs Frankie Kazarian vs mystery competitor


Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky started us off. Kip Sabian was out next and he had Jimmy Havoc evening out the numbers for him. Havoc got suplexed into a ladder set up in the corner for his troubles.

Darby Allin was out next. He went straight for Havoc and Kip Sabian who he wiped out with a suicide dive. Allin climbed to the top of a ladder set up at ringside and came down on Frankie Kazarian.


Orange Cassidy was out next and he avoided SCU's offense. Colt Cabana was out next followed by Joey Janela who was a last-minute replacement for Fenix. Janela cleared house and tried to climb the ladder only for Kazarian to pull him off. He unloaded on Kazarian with a steel chair for good measure.

Luchasaurus was out next and the big man dished out chokeslams before Darby Allin hit him with a Code Red from the top rope.


It was time for the mystery competitor to debut next and it turned out to be Brian Cage. Everyone ganged up on Cage for a short period and a few of the wrestlers even placed one of the giant chips on him to try and neutralize him.

Orange Cassidy and Kip Sabian were climbing the ladder and Cassidy knocked Sabian off. Penelope Ford tried to stop him and she was knocked off too. Finally it was Jimmy Havoc who pulled Cassidy off and Best Friends came out to even the odds.


Orange Cassidy and Luchasaurus squared off in the middle of the ring. Cassidy tried to chokeslam Luchasaurus but the tables were turned by Marko Stunt and his fun-sized ladder.

Brian Cage was back up after this and he powerbombed Luchasaurus into a ladder in the corner before tossing Darby Allin out of the ring. Cage then climbed the ladder to take the chip and earn a world title shot.

Result: Brian Cage wins


MJF vs Jungle Boy


MJF versus Jungle Boy was the second match of the night. Both men started it pretty evenly, going back and forth and trading offense. MJF feigned injury early on to take advantage. Most of the match was back and forth including both men trading strikes a little later on in the match. MJF collapsed on Jungle Boy and almost pinned him, forcing Jungle Boy to kick out. He immediately locked in an armbar but MJF broke out of it easily enough.


Jungle Boy then hit a nasty reverse Frankensteiner into the apron. Jungle Boy somehow dragged MJF back into the ring and headed to the top rope. The dastardly MJF grabbed the referee's foot, forcing her to grab the rope and this caused Jungle Boy to lose his footing. He still managed to hit MJF with a powerbomb from the top rope.

In the end, it was luck that got MJF the win. He reversed a pinning attempt with an eye rake and managed to roll Jungle Boy up to add another win to his AEW record.


Result: MJF def. Jungle Boy

Cody vs Lance Archer (to crown the first TNT Champion)


Mike Tyson was at ringside to present the AEW TNT Championship to the winner.

Lance Archer started the match with the Blackout, forcing Cody to immediately roll out of the ring. Back inside, Archer went for the claw but Cody reversed it into a brief armbar. Cody followed it up with a couple of chops and strikes but they had no effect.

Cody then grabbed Archer by the ponytail and pulled him down before striking him. Archer was trying to get the padding off the floor at ringside when Cody hit him with a suicide dive. Archer replied by grabbing Cody by the throat and tossing him onto the floor.


Back in the ring, Archer took Cody down with a clothesline. Archer then caught Cody by the arm and walked the top rope before hitting a moonsault. Archer followed it up with a massive suplex, literally tossing Cody across the ring.

Cody headed to the top rope to get some offense in but The Murderhawk caught him and threw him onto the floor with a military press.

Archer continued to dominate the match and the match spilled out to ringside again. Archer took Cody down with a forearm strike. Back in the ring, Cody was about to take control when Jake Roberts interfered. Cody sent Jake a message, hitting Lance Archer with a DDT. Archer replied with a spinebuster, in turn sending a message to Arn Anderson.


Cody hit Archer with a series of strikes and a knee to the face. Cody followed it up by paying homage to his late father Dusty Rhodes and his brother Dustin Rhodes. He followed it up with a Cross Rhodes for a two-count.

Lance Archer walked the ropes again and Arn Anderson swept his legs out from under him while the referee had his back turned. This led the referee to toss Anderson and Jake Roberts out of the arena.


Cody then hit Lance Archer with two Cross Rhodes in a row to pin him and become the first-ever AEW TNT Champion.

Result: Cody def. Lance Archer

Penelope Ford vs Kris Statlander


Both Ford and Statlander went back and forth to start the match. Ford then bit Statlander's finger before slapping her across the face. She followed it up with a DDT after a distraction by Kip Sabian who was at ringside.

Statlander hit back with a series of strikes and threw her out of the ring. She then wiped out Ford and Kip Sabian with a suicide dive. The Galaxy's Greatest Alien rolled Ford back into the ring and headed to the top tope. Ford got her boots up in time and caught her opponent in the jaw.


Both ladies traded strikes before Statlander caught Ford with a nasty roundhouse kick followed by a German Suplex. After some incredible offense from Statlander, Ford reversed the Big Bang Theory and replied with a reverse DDT. Statlander followed this up with a modified Blue Thunder Bomb. She immediately grabbed Penelope Ford again and hit her with the Big Bang Theory. Statlander went for the pin and that was all she wrote for Penelope Ford. The #2 contender for the AEW Women's Championship picked up another big win.


Result: Kris Statlander def. Penelope Ford

Shawn Spears vs Dustin Rhodes


It looked like Dustin Rhodes wasn't in the building as Shawn Spears told the referee to start her count and give him the easy win. Rhodes' music hit at this point and Brandi Rhodes came out.

Dustin Rhodes appeared behind Shawn Spears and unloaded on him with right hands. Spears took off his belt and wrapped it around his fist and went to strike Rhodes with it. Rhodes blocked it and hit Spears with a powerslam.


Rhodes then took Spears' pants off and literally spanked him. Spears briefly took control but Rhodes hit him with the Final Reckoning for the win.

Result: Dustin Rhodes def. Shawn Spears

Nyla Rose (C) vs Hikaru Shida (No DQ match for the AEW Women's Championship)


Nyla came to the ring with a kendo stick in hand but couldn't get in any shots at the beginning of the match. Shida almost took it from her but Nyla Rose unloaded on her with savage strikes with the kendo stick to the back. She followed it up with a bodyslam.

Shida caught Nyla Rose with a running kneestrike at ringside. Rose quickly caught her and flung her onto the barricade before driving her boot into Shida's throat. Nyla Rose tossed Shida through a table set up at ringside before driving a steel chair onto her abdomen. Rose then drove a steel chair into Shida's throat.


Back in the ring, Rose hit a sidewalk slam for a 2-count. Nyla Rose went to finish Shida off with a Beast Bomb but she hit back with right hands. Shida was then clotheslined out to the ringside but she hit back with a nasty looking knee strike. Shida and Rose brawled into the audience area. Shida hit Rose with another nasty running knee off one of the giant poker chips.


Shida got hold of the kendo stick and smashed Rose on the arm with it. Back in the ring, Shida continued to unload with the kendo stick before hitting Nyla Rose with a suplex onto the kendo stick for a nearfall. Shida followed it up with another running knee strike for a second nearfall.

Rose soon took back the control of the match and set up a table in the corner of the ring. The champion powerbomed Shida into the table but Shida kicked out at two. Rose headed to the top rope but Shida threw the kendo stick at her and joined her on the turnbuckle. Shida hit a Falcon Arrow from the top rope but the champion still kicked out.


Shida went for another running knee strike but Rose caught her with the kendo stick. She immediately back with a forearm for a two-count. Shida them smashed Nyla Rose with the kendo stick before catching her with a running knee strike to win the AEW Women's Championship.

Result: Hikaru Shida def. Nyla Rose

Jon Moxley (C) vs Brodie Lee (for the AEW World Championship)


Jon Moxley charged at Brodie Lee as soon as the bell rang. The Exalted One tried to hit a running boot but Moxley dodged it and he went crashing out of the ring. Lee didn't stay down for long and hit back with palm strikes before rolling the champion back into the ring.

Lee hit Moxley with a series of suplexes before tossing him out of the ring and hitting the champion with a suicide dive. The leader of The Dark Order suplexed Moxley into a barricade at ringside.


After getting back into the ring, both men traded strikes. Mox then slapped Lee across the face and took him with down with a clothesline. The champion followed it up with a nasty piledriver but only got a nearfall out of it. The action went back out to ringside as Lee went through the announcer's table. Moxley caught Lee with a few more strikes and rolled him back into the ring.


Lee hit back with a superplex but Moxley dodged a charge, sending the former crashing out to ringside again. Moxley got on the apron and leapt off it only for Lee too catch him in midair and slam him into the boards at ringside.

The action headed back to the ring after this as Brodie Lee hit the champion with a Powerbomb for a nearfall. The match spilled into the entrance ramp and Moxley hit Lee with a Paradigm Shift through the entrance ramp.


Both men staggered back into the ring and Moxley hit another Paradigm Shift. Lee kicked out at one and Moxley unloaded on Lee, who was busted open, with more right hands and followed it up with another Paradigm Shift, this time for a two-count. Moxley replied with a Rear Naked Choke and won the match after the leader of The Dark Order passed out.

Result: Jon Moxley def. Brodie Lee

The Elite and Matt Hardy vs The Inner Circle (Stadium Stampede match)


The match started with the referee blowing the whistle. Both teams charged at each other and it was chaos for the opening couple of minutes, as both teams unloaded on whoever of the other team they could get their hands on. Sammy Guevara got suplexed on the mat early on and then we saw Hangman Page make his entrance on a horse. He chased Sammy out of the arena as Nick Jackson and Jericho brawled inside the ring.


Jericho went for the Judas Effect but he was double-teamed by The Young Bucks. Santana and Ortiz threw Matt Jackson out of the ring and they suplexed Nick Jackson. Omega came into the ring and planted Santana with a snapdragon suplex. He was then taken out by Jake Hager. Matt Hardy hit Hager with a side effect and this was followed by a codebreaker from Jericho.

Sammy Guevara came running back in at this point and The Elite unloaded on him briefly. Santana wiped out a whole bunch of wrestlers after this with a moonsault off the middle rope. Sammy Guevara headed to the top rope and hit a Shooting Star Press.


Both of the Jacksons went face-first into one of the goalposts thanks to Jericho and Guevara. Matt Jackson brought a ladder from somewhere after this and climbed on top of the goalpost. He hit a moonsault from there and almost pinned Jericho following it.

The action went into the stands after this and The Inner Circle had control of the match at this point. Hangman Page was still on his horse backstage and we saw him get off and head to the bar.


The Inner Circle were still unloading on Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy. Omega slammed Ortiz onto a trash can and followed it by suplexing Santana. Ortiz threw salt in Omega's eyes. Santana and Ortiz then sent Omega through a barricade that had been set up. The two of them then threw Matt Hardy into the swimming pool and joined him there, almost drowning Hardy.

Matt Hardy reemerged as the classic version of himself, before once again reemerging as version 1.


Matt Hardy then went after Ortiz to get revenge on behalf of Vanguard 1. Hardy then launched Santana into Ortiz and through a table. Hardy then placed Ortiz's head under a giant bell and struck it before taping him to a wheelchair. He then trapped Santana inside an ice machine.

We then saw Jake Hager go into the bar to confront Hangman Page. Both men had a drink before they started brawling. Hager threw Page over the pool table. Page grabbed a pool stick and smashed it into Hager but it had no effect. Hager replied by slamming Hangman into the pool table.


Hager then placed Hangman on the bar and dragged him across the length off it like in westerns. Kenny Omega joined Page in the bar area to back up Page. He hit Hager on the head with a number of bottles before Page followed it with a Buckshot Lariat.

We cut back to the field. Matt Jackson was all over Sammy Guevara. Jackson hit the triple northern lights suplexes as his brother was brawling with Jericho. Nick Jackson started pelting Jericho with footballs. Jericho turned the tables and threw him into the head of a jaguar. The Jaguars mascot then appeared and Jericho greeted him with a Judas Effect.


The Jacksons then had Jericho on a table set up and Nick Jackson hit him with a dive through it. This left Sammy Guevara as the last member of the Inner Circle left standing.

Matt Hardy and Kenny Omega came out with the golf cart again to chase him down again. The Elite closed down on Guevara as he tried to run for it. Matt Hardy's new drone NEO 1 appeared as Guevara was choking Hardy. Omega then hit Sammy Guevara with a massive One Winged Angel to win the match for The Elite.

Result: The Elite and Matt Hardy def. The Inner Circle

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Edited by Alan John
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