#2 Cody can't wait For Double or Nothing

Last week, Brandi Rhodes' was attacked by Britt Baker, intimidated by Jake Roberts and had a snake draped over her lifeless body as Roberts and Archer celebrated over the scene of destruction. Many people questioned why her husband, Cody, didn't make an appearance to help out his wife against the men who have been tormenting for months now. Well, last night, that all changed.
Jake Roberts appeared to gloat over what occurred last week on Dynamite and attempted, again, to diminish Brandi Rhodes and her importance to the company and to Cody overall. However, this time Cody was there to ensure he had his say as he appeared in a truck and started to brawl at ringside with Lance Archer.
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Both men got in some brutal shots, and attempted each to hit a signature move on one another, before Archer fled the ring and left Cody standing asking for more. Some have stated they wouldn't have had Cody and Lance interact before Double or Nothing this weekend but it can't be denied the fire this added to the rivalry as the emotion of Cody was plain for all to see.
Whilst Jake Roberts is expecting his Murderhawk to be the first TNT Champion, The American Nightmare isn't going to go down without a fight.