Jon Moxley vs Santana
Santana attacked Moxley near the barricade as Moxley was in the middle of his entrance. After brawling amongst the crowd for a second, Moxley launched Santana over the barricade and back to the ringside area.
Both men were finally in the ring after this, hitting each other with everything they had. Moxley clotheslined Santana out of the ring and headed to the top rope, launching himself out to ringside and hitting a double axe-handle.
Moxley and Santana.continued trading strikes. Santana sent Moxley face-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Moxley was soon back in the fight, catching Santana as he came down from the top rope. Ortiz tried to get involved at this point but the referee saw him stopped him. Santana used the distraction to catch Mox with a superkick.
Moxley planted Santana and headed to the top rope. As the referee had his back turned, Ortiz spat some kind of alcohol into Moxley's face. Moxley replied by going after Santana's eye and then planted him with the Paradigm Shift for the win.
Jon Moxley def. Santana
The Inner Circle stormed the ring after the match, attacking Jon Moxley. Jericho whipped him with the title belt and the others didn't hold back either. Hager followed up with a low blow before Jericho finished him off with a Judas effect.
Jericho's hired hitman Jeff Cobb down to the ring next. He hit Moxley with a mass slam as he Inner Circle finished the night on top.