Tonight's episode of AEW Dynamite was main-evented by an insane Parking Lot Fight between Best Friends and Satana and Ortiz. We saw the NWA Women's title defended on Dynamite as Thunder Rosa took on Ivelisse.
MJF also returned to action on tonight's AEW Dynamite for the first time since All Out as he took on Shawn Dean. Hangman Page was also in singles action tonight as he faced Frankie Kazarian of SCU. The AEW Tag-Team Champions FTR were also in action on AEW Dynamite as they took on Jurassic Express in a non-title match.
Read on for the full AEW Dynamite results from tonight's show.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
FTR vs Jurassic Express kicks off AEW Dynamite
Jungle Boy started off strong for his team, taking the fight to FTR and forcing them to regroup with Tully Blanchard. FTR went back in and went after Luchasarus but ate a double clothesline. Jungle Boy came back in but got hit with a powerslam from Harwood and locked him in a bow and arrow lock.
FTR had Jungle Boy isolated in their corner and they worked him over, trading tags to wear him down. Jungle Boy finally managed to break out of the corner and tag in Luchasaurus,
Luchasaurus came in on the hot tag and took on both members of FTR, catching Harwood with a Tail Whip kick to the head. Luchasaurus and Wheeler then brawled at ringside while Harwood and Jungle Boy were in the ring.
Luchasaurus went for a running dive at ringside but Cash Wheeler sidestepped it, causing Luchasaurus to launch himself into the AEW stars at ringside.
Meanwhile, Harwood managed to roll up Jungle Boy inside the ring. Wheeler quickly helped Harwood leverage then pin leading to the win for FTR.
FTR def. Jurassic Express
Grade: A
Frankie Kazarian vs Hangman Page on AEW Dynamite
Hangman Page was in action next on AEW Dynamite. Frankie Kazarian and Hangman Page did not hold back. They hit each other with the hardest chops they had with Hangpage Page then catching Kazarian in midair and hitting him with a bodyslam.
Page followed it up with a springboard clothesline to Kazarian who was on the apron. The Hangman followed it up with a Pescado out to ringside, wiping out Kazarian.
Back in the ring, Kazarian took back control hitting Hangman with a clothesline followed by a snap suplex. Kazarian locked in a sleeper hold, hoping to put Hangman to sleep.
Kazarian went to hit a German Suplex but Hangman Page landed on his feet. Kazarian settled for a clothesline instead and both men started trading right hands. Kazarian looked to hit a crossbody off the middle rope but Hangman caught him in midair and hit a Fallaway Slam. Page then hit a running Shooting Star Press. Kazarian replied with a DDT for a nearfall.
Kazarian followed it with an Unprettier for a nearfall. Page managed to kick out but Kazarian quickly followed it up with a Cutter.
Page finally managed to hit the Buckshot Lariat and pinned him for the win on AEW Dynamite.
Hangman Page def. Frankie Kazarian
Grade: B
MJF vs Shawn Dean on AEW Dynamite
MJF was back in action on AEW Dynamite after his loss to Jon Moxley. MJF faced Shawn Deam who didn't last very long. MJF quickly locked in the Salt of the Earth and forced Dean to tap out.
MJF def. Shawn Dean
Grade: C
MJF took the mic after the match and said that he's a very honest match. He then claimed that Jon Moxley cheated at All Out. MJF said that he should be still undefeated and should hold the AEW World Championship. MJF then said that he wanted to be known as the undefeated, undisputed, uncrowned champion of AEW.
MJF added that maybe it was time for him to end his days as a long wolf and to join a faction.
Eddie Kingston's message to AEW
Eddie Kingston was out with Lucha Bros and The Butcher and The Blade. Kingston said he never lost the battle royal at All Out.
Butcher and Blade then dragged in a couple of wrestlers from ringside including Griff Garrisson and took then out alongside the Lucha Bros. Kingston then told Blade that it was time for him to get his own house in order on AEW Dynamite.
Private Party vs Chris Jericho and Jake Hager on AEW Dynamite
Private Party made a fantastic start to the match, driving both Jake Hager and Chris Jericho out of the ring. Marc Quen and Isiah Kassidy then hit stereo dives out to Hager and Jericho at ringside on AEW Dynamite.
The momentum soon came to a grinding halt as Jericho and Hager isolated Marc Quen in their corner and wore him out, Jericho hit Quen with a dismissive boot to the head before following it up with a backdrop. Jericho tagged out but Quen caught Hager with a dropkick.
Both men tagged out and Isiah Kassidy almost pinned Jericho. Kassidy went to hit a springboard from the apron but Jake Hager caught him with a baseball bat shot to the back. To add insult to injury, Jake Hager then threw Kassidy head-first into the ring post.
Hager had Kassidy in a headlock in the ring but he broke out and tried to make a tag. Hager caught Kassidy and slammed him into the mat. Kassidy hit back with a DDT and both men tagged out.
Marc Quen came in off the hot tag and took out Jericho before hitting Hager with a dive at ringside. Private Party then double-teamed Jericho. Hager came in and caught Jericho by mistake in the cornner. Isiah Kassidy was all over Jericho and hit him with a cutter on AEW Dynamite.
Kassidy then headed to the top rope but missed with the Swanton Bomb. Jericho capitalized and hit the Judas Effect to pick up the win for his team on AEW Dynamite.
Chris Jericho and Jake Hager def. Private Party
Grade: A-
Thunder Rosa (C) vs Ivelisse (for the NWA Women's Championship) on AEW Dynamite
We saw the NWA Women's Championship defended in AEW for the first time as Thunder Rosa defended her title against Ivelisse on AEW Dynamite.
Thunder Rosa showed off her class early on, dominating Ivelisse but couldn't keep her down. Rosa locked in a crossface but Ivelisse managed to reach the bottom rope. Ivelisse caught the champ in the face with an elbow but Thunder Rosa hit back with a Death Valley Driver.
Thunder Rosa then hit Ivelisse with a Tombstone Piledriver and pinned her to retain the title.
Thunder Rosa def. Ivelisse
Grade: A
Thunder Rosa was attacked by Diamante after the match. AEW Women's Champion Hikaru Shida decided to jump over the railing and drive off Ivelisse and Diamante. We then got a great showing of respect between the AEW Women's Champion and the NWA Women's Champion.
Miro and Kip Sabian speak on AEW Dynamite
We caught up with AEW's newest signing Miro backstage. He was with Kip Sabian. Sabian informed Miro that it was the Best Man's job to throw the bachelor party.
Jake Roberts join forces with Team Taz on AEW Dynamite
The No.1 contender for the AEW World Championship, Lance Archer was out next alongside Jake Roberts. Jake said that he needed to tag-team partners for Lance Archer and invited Taz to come down to the ring on AEW Dynamite.
Taz came down to the ring and took the mic. He informed Jake Roberts that everyone in Team Taz was excited to do business with Lance Archer and Jake Roberts. All Taz wanted in exchange was for Brian Cage to get the first title shot when Lance Archer became AEW World Champion.
Jon Moxley's music hit at this point. As the champion was about to cut a promo, he got jumped by Brian Cage and Ricky Starks. The man who came to Moxley's rescue on AEW Dynamite was young Will Hobbs who made a name for himself in the Casino Battle Royal at All Out.
Moxley was back on his feet and introduced Will Hobbs as his first tag-team partner. Moxley still needed a second partner and looked into the camera, telling Darby Allin to bring himself to Jacksonville next week on AEW Dynamite for the six man tag-team match.
Santana and Ortiz vs Best Friends on AEW Dynamite (Parking Lot Fight)
The fists started flying as soon as the bell rang on AEW Dynamite. Trent sent Ortiz back first into the hood of a car as Santana brawled with Chuckie T. Chuck sent Santana face-first into the side of a car as Trent slammed a hood of a car into Ortiz. Chuckie T then climbed on top of the car and hit a senton onto the hood of the car while Ortiz was still trapped underneath.
Chuckie T and Trent then took a piece of Plywood and set it up on the back of a pick up truck. Santana took out a hidden Baton from one of the cars and unloaded on Santana and Ortiz.
Ortiz then hit Chuck Taylor with a suplex onto the hood of a car. Santana climbed on another car and hit a splash on Chuckie T for a near fall.
Ortiz picked up the baton and went after Trent. Trent blocked the powerbomb and Speared Ortiz through a slab of Plywood set up against a car. Chuck Taylor hit Santana with a backdrop onto a car. Trent went to hit Ortiz with a Tornado DDT but Ortiz hit him in the face with a dustpan.
Ortiz then powerbombed Trent onto the hood of a car. Santana and Ortiz then hit Trent with a double powerbomb through the windshield of a car on AEW Dynamite.
Just when it looked like the tide was turning, Orange Cassidy came out from the trunk of one of the cars. Cassidy had a chain wrapped around his fist and used it as a weapon on AEW Dynamite.
Trent hit Ortiz with the Strong Zero through the plywood set up on the pick up truck and got the three-count on AEW Dynamite.
Best Friends def. Santana and Ortiz
Grade: A
Best Friends and Orange Cassidy joined Trent's mom in the van after the match and drove away.