AEW Full Gear did not disappoint and saw a massive heel turn, three title matches as well as an insane lights out match between Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega.
The pre-show saw Britt Baker beat Bea Priestley. After the match, Awesome Kong and Brandi Rhodes came out. After they were done with Priestly, they cut out a chunk of her hair as a trophy.
The Young Bucks vs Proud and Powerful
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
Full Gear started off with the heated match-up between The Young Bucks and Proud And Powerful. The first match of the night was a part of a heated feud between The Elite and The Inner Circle.
Most of the early to middle stages of the match was dominated by Santana and Ortiz, isolating Nick Jackson in their corner. Nick Jackson went to boot Santana but ended up hurting his leg after kicking the ringpost by mistake. Santana and Ortiz also dumped Nick Jackson into the Rock N' Roll Express who were in the front row as special guests of AEW.
Matt Jackson came in off the hot tag to regain control of the match for his team. When The Bucks went to finish off Santana, Nick Jackson's leg injury came into play and his leg gave way.
Proud and Powerful utilized the opening, taking out Matt Jackson. Despite being injured, Nick Jackson took the fight to both Santana and Ortiz until the numbers proved to be too much. Santana and Ortiz hit Matt Jackson with the Street Sweeper before Ortiz pinned him to pick up a massive win for Proud and Powerful.
Proud and Powerful def. The Young Bucks
Sammy Guevara came out after the match and joined Santana and Ortiz in a post-match beatdown of the Bucks. Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton came into the ring to even the odds. Morton hit Santana with a Canadian Destroyer before hitting a suicide dive to Ortiz and Sammy Guevara at ringside.
PAC vs 'Hangman' Adam Page
Adam Page went right after PAC even before the bell rang, throwing PAC into the barricade. After Page dominated the opening stages, PAC got back in the match briefly, punishing Adam Page. PAC went to his a corkscrew moonsault but ended up eating the mat and the tide of the match turned again.
Page took PAC out with a lariat before planting him on the ring apron. Page then headed to the top rope and hit a Moonsault from the top rope. PAC replied with a nasty brainbuster on a chair set up at ringside.
PAC rolled the Hangman back into the ring and hit him with a series of stiff boots to the chest. He headed to the top rope but Page pushed him off. The Hangman went to finish PAC off with the Buckshot Lariat but got caught with a Superkick. PAC then hit a German Suplex but the Hangman replied with a Pop-Up Powerbomb.
The Hangman went for the Deadeye but PAC maneuvered it into The Brutalizer. Page looked done for a few seconds but managed to reach the rope in the corner. PAC went to hit the low blow again, just like he did in their last match, but Page had it scouted this time. Page connected with the Buckshot Lariat to pick up the win.
Adam Page def. PAC
Shawn Spears vs Joey Janela
Joey Janela started the match on top, taking the fight to Shawn Spears in the corner. Janela still had his jacket on as he assaulted Spears in the corner and tore off his shirt. However, the early momentum didn't last too long for the 'Bad Boy'. Spears locked in a nice Sharpshooter after taking back control before proceeding to tie Joey Janela's hair to the tag-rope in the corner. Spears continued unloading on Janela with right hands.
Just as Janela seemed to have gotten back into the match, Tully Blanchard got on the apron to distract Janela. Spears pushed Janela off the top rope to create an opening for himself. Spears then hit Janela with a Piledriver off the apron and onto the floor assisted by Tully Blanchard.
Spears wasted no time and rolled Janela back into the ring. He wasted no time and followed up with his patented Death Valley Driver. Spears then pinned Janela for the 3-count to leave Full Gear with a much needed win.
SCU (C) vs Lucha Bros vs Private Party (for the AEW World Tag-Team Championships)
Fenix and Frankie Kazarian of SCU started the match off. Fenix laid Kazarian out early and followed it up with a superkick to Scorpio Sky on the apron. This led to all six men coming into the ring and the action was thick and fast.
Private Party soon started dominating the Lucha Bros but it didn't last long. Fenix turned the tide for his team and continued with some nasty kicks to Marc Quen. Pentagon tagged back in and continued going after Marc Quen. Pentagon hit a backstabber but Quen replied with an elevated dropkick. Quen used the opening to tag in Scorpio Sky while Pentagon tagged in Fenix.
SCU had a double submission locked in on Private Party which led Pentagon to come in and break it up. Quen got back up and followed it by launching himself over the top rope, followed by Isiah Kassidy. Fenix then headed to the top rope and launched himself into the rest of the wrestlers in an incredible maneuver.
Back in the ring, Private Party cleared house before setting Kazarian up for the Gin 'N Juice which he had scouted and blocked. Kazarian and Scorpio Sky followed it up with the SCU-later to Kassidy before pinning him to retain their titles.
SCU def. Lucha Bros and Private Party
Lucha Brothers attacked SCU after the match was over. As Pentagon was about to finish off Scorpio Sky, the lights went out. When they came back on we saw a second Pentagon in the ring. The second Pentagon took out both Pentagon Jr and Fenix before unmasking, revealing himself to be Christopher Daniels.
Riho (C) vs Emi Sakura
Riho defended her title against her mentor Emi Sakura. Sakura had the size and strength advantage and it showed early on as Sakura tossed Riho across the ring by her hair. She followed it with a crossbody the launched Riho off the ring and onto the floor.
Sakura headed to the top rope but Riho blocked it right on time. The champion pushed Sakura and hit a double stomp from the top rope. Back in the ring, Riho had a single-leg crab locked in but she couldn't keep it locked in for too long.
Sakura was back on top and hit Riho with another Crossbody, this time into the corner. Sakura followed up with her patented Romero Special surfboard lock. "Let's go Riho" chants broke out in the arena as Sakura continued her dominance.
The veteran continued with a couple of nasty backbreaker before following it up with a double stomp to Riho's arm. Sakura then hit the Vader Bomb. Sakura went to pin the champ again but Riho launched herself out of it and hit a double stomp. Riho followed it up with a number of right hands. She followed it up with a body scissors into another double stomp.
Riho went to finish Sakura off with the running knee but Sakura dodged it. The champion improvised and launched herself off the bottom rope to hit another double stomp. Riho headed to the top rope and hit one more double stomp, only getting a 2-count.
Sakura and Riho followed it up with a series of super-fast roll-ups before Riho finally pinned her mentor. An incredidble finish to a great match.
Riho def. Emi Sakura
Chris Jericho (C) vs Cody (for the AEW World Championship)

The match started a little gingerly as both men felt each other up. Things got heated up pretty quick after Jericho pushed Cody into the corner and slapped him across the face. Cody hit Jericho with a suicide dive out to ringside before dragging him back into the ring and chopping him in the corner.
Cody followed it up with a powerslam before dumping Jericho outside onto the entrance ramp. Cody went for a dive over the top ropes but landed face-first onto the entrance ramp and got busted open with a nasty cut over his eye.
Jericho laughed while Cody got medical attention and got right to working on the cut above Cody's eye as soon as the challenger crawled back into the ring. Jericho continued punishing Cody and got a couple of near falls. Jericho then locked in a sleeper hold and was in complete control of the match was at this point. Le Champion then went for a Lionsault but Cody got his knees up. Cody followed up with a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere for a near fall of his own.
Cody continued his momentum with a Disaster Kick to Jericho who was on the apron, sending the champion crashing to the floor. Cody and Jericho continued to brawl at ringside and Jericho got slapped by Cody's mother was seated in the front row.
Cody hit Jericho with a Spear before dragging him back into the ring and locking in the Figure-4-Leglock. Jericho reversed the hold before both men were forced to break it. Jake Hager got involved from ringside and got ejected from the arena by the referee. Hager didn't go quietly and took out MJF before leaving.
Jericho hit Cody with the title while the referee had her back turned but only managed to get a 2-count out of it. Jericho went to finish Cody off with the Judas Effect but Cody reversed it and hit the Cross Rhodes, only managing a nearfall out of it.
Both men crawled back to their knees and started trading strikes. Cody hit a bionic elbow only managing a nearfall from it. Jericho replied with a Codebreaker but Cody kicked out again. Jericho disrespectfully booted Cody across the face before lodging his knee against the back of Cody's head. Jericho took off his belt at this point and unloaded on Cody's back with it until the referee managed to intervene.
Jerico then headed to the top rope but Cody met him there. Cody went for the hurricanrana but Jericho blocked it and maneuvered it into a Liontamer. Cody managed to reach the bottom rope and then rolled Jericho up for a 2-count.
Jericho then locked in the Liontamer once again and started booting Cody across the head. As Jericho wrenched in the submission hold, MJF was forced to throw in the towel for his best friend Cody.
Chris Jericho def. Cody
Cody did not look happy after the match and just as it looked like he'd finally forgiven MJF, MJF hit Cody with a low blow before strutting out of the arena.
Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega

Moxley and Omega got into each other's face even before the bell rang. They brawled out of ringside soon after the match started and fought into the crowd. Omega hit a running dropkick over the barricade.
Omega hit a double stomp off a raised platform before they headed back into the ring. Moxley took out his barbed-wire bat and repeatedly hit Omega with it. Moxley tried to graze the barbed-wire against Omega face but Omega blocked it at the last second. Omega then smashed Moxley with the trash can before taking out his barbed-wire broom.
Omega swept Moxley's back against the barbed-wire broom before smashing him with it. He then headed back out and took out a platform full of mousetraps and took it into the ring. Moxley promptly suplexed Omega into the mousetraps.
Mox headed out to ringside himself and took out a heavy chain and brought it into the ring. After piling the chain up, Moxley hit Omega with a running sideslam into it. Moxley then wrapped the chain around Omega's mouth. The Cleaner managed to briefly break free after hitting Moxley with a trash can lid. Moxley tried to lock in a chokehold but Omega grabbed the trash can again and repeatedly smashed across the head with it.
Moxley then took out an icepick and and went to hit Omega with it. He lodged it into the top turnbuckle and Omega replied with Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega then choked Moxley with the chain before diving over the top rope and wiping Mox out at ringside.
Kenny Omega took out a bag full of broken glass and emptied it in the middle of the ring. He followed it up with a suplex to Moxley, right on the glass. Omega then swept Moxley across the glass and locked in a Boston Crab, forcing Moxley to crawl across the glass to reach the ropes. Mox somehow replied with a German Suplex onto the glass but Omega immediately hit back with a V-Trigger.
The Young Bucks and Adam Page came out to reason with Kenny Omega. Omega could not be reasoned with and he had a bed-like structure made of barbed-wire brought out. Omega went to hit Moxley with the One Winged Angel through the it but Moxley reversed and hit a vertical suplex. Both men crashed into the barbed-wire structure and ring crew had to come out to help them out. Omega and Moxley continued to fight and Omega hit a V-Trigger a part of the set.
Back in the ring, Jon Moxley hit a Paradigm Shift into the glass but Omega still kicked out. Moxley went out to ringside at this point and cut away the canvas of the ring, exposing the padding , which he also tore away.
Moxley went to hit Omega with a piledriver onto the wood but he blocked it and hit a V-Trigger. Omega then went for the One Winged Angel but Moxley blocked it. His attempt at the Paradigm Shift was blocked and Omega hit a DDT of his own onto the wood, for a nearfall.
Omega went for a Phoenix Splash but landed face-first into the wood after Moxley moved out of the way. Mox then hit a Paradigm Shift to finally pin Kenny Omega.
Jon Moxley def. Kenny Omega