During a sit down interview with Chris Van Vliet, Tessa Blanchard discussed her career, signing with Impact Wrestling, her intergender matches, as well as her famous wrestling father, Tully Blanchard. Her father is now in AEW managing Shawn Spears, and Tessa says that AEW is lucky to have him.
Who is Tully Blanchard?
Tully was one of the original Four Horsemen and made up the original stable alongside Arn Anderson, Ric Flair and Ole Anderson. He also had a legendary feud with Dusty Rhodes. Arn Anderson and Tully also spent some time in WWE as The Brain Busters and were WWE Tag Team Champions.
Tessa has followed in her father's footsteps and has become one of the major draws of Impact Wrestling. Her match with Sami Calahan was lauded for its effectiveness and a major advertisement for intergender wrestling.
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What does Tessa Blanchard think of her father being in AEW?
Tessa is supportive of her father being in AEW. She believes that he has an amazing mind and that AEW is lucky to have him. She further added,
"He texted me the other day 'I'm at TV right now' and I'm like 'What? You didn't even tell me!' It is really really neat. All bias aside, the fact that he's my dad, I'm his fan too. I'll watch old-school Brain Busters, my Dad and Arn. I genuinely feel like they are so brilliant in this business and it's such a waste if they weren't in the business in some aspect. So, for AEW to have him, he's so valuable, his mind is just.. the way that he thinks in wrestling, it's incredible, I've learned so much from him."
(Special thanks to Chris Van Vliet for the quotes)
What's next?
It'll be interesting where Tessa goes from here. Perhaps, she may challenge the Impact Wrestling Champion Brian Cage in the future. Only time will tell.