According to 411Mania, Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that the plans were changed for PAC and Private Party before AEW Dynamite went on the air. Originally, PAC was going to face Cima while Private Party was meant to face both The Dark Order and The Hybrid 2 (Jack Evans and Angelico).
Why were the plans changed for PAC?
As reported, PAC was supposed to face Cima but he faced Trent of the Best Friends instead. As many fans witnessed, Trent was actually supposed to kick out of PAC's finisher, but the referee slow counted the third purposely. PAC then applied a submission hold and won the bout via submission.
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One of the reasons why Trent of The Best Friends was put in there was because Tony Khan made the change as Best Friends segments have had great ratings in the all-important 18-49 demographic. Another valid reason was that Cima has too many losses on his win-loss record and was thus moved to AEW Dark.
Why were the plans changed for Private Party?
The other main change was that Private Party was supposed to face both The Hybrid 2 and The Dark Order for a chance to face Lucha Bros and SCU for the AEW Tag Team Championship. As both Dark Order and Private Party lost their semi-final matches, it made more sense for them to compete for the third spot. By that logic, the addition of The Hybrid 2 wouldn't have been required.
What's next?
For the reasons given by the WON, there seems to be a method to the madness. As noted, they are trying to make changes based on simple reasoning. To quote Spock, "that is logical." From the looks of it, AEW seems very committed to putting serious thought into each segment and not change things up for the sake of it.