#4 Baron Corbin

I don't think the WWE Universe would be too hot to see this, but we need to reconcile ourselves with the fact that Baron Corbin will continue to get his mid card push because he is a big lad. From the United States picture on SmackDown, joining the Intercontinental picture on Raw is a but obvious transition that WWE would have him make.
However, this could still spell money for Monday Night Raw. Baron Corbin still is a cool character and can be portrayed as a badass heel who will beat people up just because he can.
Similarly, Seth can only be effective as a babyface champion if he can overcome a man mountain like Baron Corbin. It has the potential to tell a lot of intricate stories about what Rollins has to overcome to truly be one of the best, provided the story is well told.
Rollins needs to further establish his legacy and Corbin needs to grow into his role as a designated upper-mid carder. This feud could help both of them, as Rollins will be commended even more for taking Corbin to a decent or great feud, and Corbin will just benefit as a result.