On a recent episode of RAW, WWE tag champs The New Day were shown to interact in a positive manner with the Divas faction Team BAD and the segment was a good one, with crowd responding positively to it.
The word backstage indicate this to be a teaser of what WWE wants to do in future with both teams. The segment was done to gauge fan interest in the association, which could lead to the formation of a stable. Initially it was Sasha who was thought to work with the New Day, but there have been talks about getting the whole Team BAD too.
With the declining ratings, WWE is hoping for factions to stem the fall like it was the case back in the ‘Attitude era’, with gangs doing their thing on WWE TV.
There is also some concern pertaining to this, as New Day is perceived to be in danger of being over exposed, given the amount of TV time allotted to them on a weekly basis.
While the entertainment value with them translating into great merchandise sales warrants prime spots for the act, WWE writers are known to have gone overboard before with their over-reliance on popular names.