#1 Worst: The Freddie Mercury gimmick
I'm never going to be silly enough to suggest that Emi Sakura cannot wrestle, because not only is she amazing between the ropes, she's also responsible for teaching Riho the ropes. It's just that the whole Freddie Mercury gimmick distracts from what she is, a fantastic professional wrestler.
While the gimmick was fun at the start, I just think that the charm has worn out by now for the audience. You can see it too because there's no sense of participation when the 'We Will Rock You' section begins, as there used to be.
Emi Sakura needs to essentially be what she is, a world-class professional wrestler who's trained some of the best in the pro wrestling world. Props to AEW for showcasing so many Joshis, but sometimes the lighthearted style of their work does not connect with a mass audience.
And this is coming from a huge fan of Queen.