Best and worst of AEW Dynamite: Shots fired at WWE, Surprise attack on Kenny Omega 

This week's episode of Dynamite was a pretty fun show
This week's episode of Dynamite was a pretty fun show

Well, AEW set the highest of expectations with last week's episode and while this week's action wasn't half bad, it still could not match up to the standards that were set with last week's show. That said, I would still recommend that you go ahead and watch the show, because it was fun.

I wouldn't say that there were any 'worsts' per se unless you're going to watch the program with a critical eye. It just wasn't a very eventful episode from what I saw, but I'm guessing no TV show can go at 10 every single week.

I invite you to leave a comment and let me know what you thought of this week's episode, ladies and gentlemen. Remember that whatever I write in this article is nothing more than an opinion, and so your verdict can certainly differ from mine.

That said, I present the 'best and worst' of AEW Dynamite, this week.

#1 Best: Mox returns to action, PAC attacks Omega

So, it was great to see Jon Moxley return to action, and I love the style in which he wrestles a lot more than his WWE style. Moxley carries himself around like he's a rugged tough guy, who will not be bowed or intimidated by the men who stand before him. He looked like he hadn't missed a beat after coming back from injury, not long ago.

But the highlight of the match, to me, was PAC at the commentary booth, questioning why he hadn't received a Championship opportunity even though his win/loss record was quite exemplary not just in AEW but across the world of wrestling. The visual of Omega with a mop and a barbed wire encased baseball bat, which is like Negan's 'Lucille', being attacked by PAC was also quite the sight!

#1 Worst: The women's division is not exciting just yet

I get that unlike WWE, AEW wants to tell stories from bell to bell, leaving out all the backstage segments. In a sense, they have been able to strike a balance between professional wrestling in the classic sense and sports entertainment that Vince McMahon made famous with the men.

But maybe it's just me but I still feel like there's a disconnect when it comes to the women because there are no stories just yet. I get that Dr. Britt Baker and Bea Priestly don't like one another, but there is no reason for Emi Sakura, who was introduced as Riho's teacher, to face off against her.

While this is an issue, I expect it to get rectified in the weeks that follow. Mind you, I enjoyed this week's match, but there's no sense of animosity of the kind you experience when Candice LeRae confronts Shayna Baszler.

The Joshis, in particular, need some very compelling storylines.

#2 Best: The Inner Circle is formed

Nobody cuts a promo like Chris Jericho and so it was only natural that he was the only person that was allowed to do an in-ring promo this week. Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard also tried to do one but their microphones died on them before they had the opportunity. In any case, Jericho introduced us to the inner circle.

There were digs galore at WWE Creative and especially the 'We the People' chant one normally associates with the former Jack Swagger. There were also allusions to the 'List of Jericho', that one may remember from Jericho's time in WWE. But truth be told, the biggest headline of the night was the formation of the Inner Circle.

I like the name because it's cheesy enough and at the same time, not all that cheesy either. This is, by far, the most exciting thing going on in AEW at the moment.

#2 Worst: Jim Ross isn't who he used to be

Jim Ross is the voice of professional wrestling. And that is also a bad thing in a sense because you remember just how good the man used to be once upon a time in history. When you have him mistakenly refer to the promotion as AWA instead of AEW, there's a problem.

There were a lot of fumbles through the course of the night and as out of practice as Schiavone supposedly is, he seems far better at the job right now than Jim Ross. But there were moments when even Schiavone had some hilarious moments like - 'Vader Bomb? Is that what they call it now?'

While that was endearing in its own way, I do wonder if Jim Ross could step his game up in the coming week to tell better stories from the booth. I wonder if anyone in the back has the ability to tell him to step up his game because most of them would have grown up watching him call the action, from the time that they fell in love with wrestling.

#3 Best: The opening match

I know that Jim Cornette will have a lot to say when he watches this match, but for a fast-paced modern style contest, Private Party and The Young Bucks put on quite a show on this week's episode.

There were chants of 'this is awesome' from midway through the match, although it doesn't take much to impress an AEW crowd. But that does not take away from the fact that the match was very entertaining and all 4 of the men involved put on a great showcase for the fans. The most interesting thing about the match was that the underdogs won.

It's nice of AEW to give a chance to Private Party because The Young Bucks don't need the titles to necessarily get over with fans. Plus, they're most likely headed into a feud with Santana and Ortiz in the weeks to follow.

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