#2 Best: Into the realm of the undead
At some point during this match, I realized just how much I'd missed Rosemary as a performer on the show. As cool as the other Knockouts are (more on that later), I genuinely popped when Rosemary showed up to challenge Su Yung and have that little magic battle. It was a break from the action in the ring, and I thought this was a welcome change.
As for the match itself, it really wasn't a match but a journey into the very depths of hell for Allie, to save her best friend. This felt like an angle from Lucha Underground, and I think it was executed quite well. In fact, this is what the Orton-Wyatt 'House of Horrors' match should have been.
It does seem like Jimmy Jacobs was behind this angle and so, full props to him. The creative changes he's brought to the table are definitely showing.