I love Impact Wrestling and it's a blast to not only watch but review it on a weekly basis. Therefore, it's a shame when I see under 4000 viewers tuning in to catch the action live.
But that aside, the show was brilliant and while I do have a few problems with it, I suppose it was well worth my time. I strongly recommend you to tune in and catch the action every Friday night because it's probably the best wrestling show on TV, aside from NXT.
So, what did I like and dislike about this week's show then? Let me run down what happened and separate the 'Best' from the 'Worst' in this article.
Please leave a comment in case you watched the show and let me know what you thought as well.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
#1 Best: Tenille Dashwood comes to Impact
Taya Valkyrie is the longest-reigning Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion in history because, at all other points in time, there were other challengers to potentially take her crown and become the face of the division. Well, someone has certainly arrived who could make such an impact right away, and her name is Tenille Dashwood.
You may know Dashwood as former WWE Superstar Emma, a woman that many felt was severely underutilized and then released. When she was released, there was an outcry from fans who believed that she was deserving of much more and let's hope that she can live up to her fullest potential in Impact.
Taya vs. Tenille will be a fresh feud and with John E. Bravo at ringside, Tenille comes in with the disadvantage. But then, she comes in as the clear babyface as fans want someone else to lead the division owing to Taya being on top for far too long!
#1 Worst: Rosemary runs in while the lights are on
Rosemary is the most over Knockout in the Impact Wrestling roster, and the Demon Assassin has a hive of fans that are always keen on cheering for her, whatever she does. I just think that with a supernatural character like her, she needs to be protected a lot more, honestly.
Having her do a regular run in, like she did on this week's show is not a good way to use her. Imagine The Undertaker or even The Fiend doing a run-in, with the lights still on.
The match in itself went from a tag team affair with a 6-woman tag, and honestly, I feel like Rosemary, because she's as over as she is, deserves a singles feud of her own. This seems like a major step down for her.
But at least have the lights go out for Rosemary, please!
#2 Best: Ken Shamrock addresses Moose
I had a chance to speak to Moose last night and I shall upload the interview very soon, once my All Out shift has finally concluded. He's locked in what is his biggest feud thus far, against Ken Shamrock. Moose and Shamrock have been taking shots at one another on social media and things are heating up for both!
Shamrock is a big get for Impact, not only because of everything he achieved in WWE and the UFC but because he also has a history with Impact Wrestling. He was one of the first Superstars that TNA ever had, and this could be a great angle to explore once he comes down. This week, he rattled off his accomplishments in a great promo video.
Moose's last feud was against RVD and he put on a great match at Slammiversary. Can he do the same with Ken Shamrock?
#2 Worst: No Melissa Santos on Twitch
For those of us that watch Impact Wrestling via Twitch, we're often greeted by Melissa Santos during the commercial breaks. She basically reacts to every single segment that plays out and in a lot of ways, this adds to the show. It's a lot like how Talking Smack with Renee Young would be a great way for fans to get a deeper perspective of the events that played out.
This week, Melissa Santos was nowhere to be found, which meant that all we got were flashbacks of Impact Wrestling. It reached a point where there were so many flashbacks that it became annoying. I'd have preferred actual ads to these flashbacks during these commercial breaks.
And then there was an actual flashback segment scheduled in the show as well, which just grated on my nerves. It was like Throwback Friday, with some current wrestling thrown in for fun.
#3 Best: Ace Austin stages a robbery
We all know that Ace Austin has been very vocal about his feelings for Alicia Edwards, the wife of Eddie Edwards. This week, he invited her to a picturesque beach and revealed to her the fact that he had something that he wanted to tell her, and the beach would be the perfect setting for something of this nature.
And then, someone stole Alicia Edwards' purse, but Austin chased after them and retrieved the purse in what was a delightfully corny segment. It was later revealed that this was Reno Scum, under the hoods.
This is all leading to Eddie Edwards vs. Ace Austin, and the build has been so entertaining that I'm absolutely hooked, and how! As cheesy and corny as it is, it is exactly what wrestling needs to be at the end of the day...entertaining.
This was my favorite thing on the show by a mile!
#3 Worst: Two throwaway matches without any storylines
What I've always loved about Impact Wrestling from the very start is the ability to make compelling characters, that the audience cares about when they eventually enter the ring. I thought that the two matches at the top of the show were great, but I wasn't necessarily invested in them because they had no storyline.
I mean when you put, Rich Swann, Willie Mack and The Rascalz in the ring, they cannot help but have a great match. The same also holds true for performers like TJP and the local talent who were part of the big opening X-Division match from Mexico.
I loved the fact that Josh Mathews alluded to Rich Swann and TJP as former WWE Cruiserweight Champions too. I'm glad to see that it's not a taboo subject anymore, among the announcers.
In any case, give me characters and let them put on good matches!
#4 Best/Worst: LAX puts their careers on the line
Unfortunately, this segment was an indication of the things to come, for those who know the backstage details. LAX is on their way out of Impact Wrestling, and the match with The North will most likely be the final time they're ever in an Impact ring. It is clear that these two men have a great career ahead of them when they choose to explore other avenues.
At the same time, it's a little heartbreaking to know that they will not be a part of Impact anymore. These are two guys who made tag team wrestling hot again, and they did so with great matches against Pentagon and Fenix, the OGz, The Rascalz, as well as The North.
But I'm glad they're going out with a match against The North. This should be a great way to put them over and pass the torch to them if that is indeed how Impact books the match.
Also, you folks must check out Chris Van Vliet's interview with Melissa Santos whenever you guys can!