#1 Worst: Rosemary runs in while the lights are on
Rosemary is the most over Knockout in the Impact Wrestling roster, and the Demon Assassin has a hive of fans that are always keen on cheering for her, whatever she does. I just think that with a supernatural character like her, she needs to be protected a lot more, honestly.
Having her do a regular run in, like she did on this week's show is not a good way to use her. Imagine The Undertaker or even The Fiend doing a run-in, with the lights still on.
The match in itself went from a tag team affair with a 6-woman tag, and honestly, I feel like Rosemary, because she's as over as she is, deserves a singles feud of her own. This seems like a major step down for her.
But at least have the lights go out for Rosemary, please!