#1 Worst: The portrayal of Rosemary
Rosemary is, by far, the most popular Superstar in Impact Wrestling at the moment. Every time I have interviewed her, she does bigger numbers than anyone else from the roster, both past, and present.
I think it's weird that she's portrayed in comedy segments with Taya Valkyrie and John E. Bravo, instead of the twisted supernatural creature that she should be showcased as, quite honestly. Putting her in a segment about iPhones and mimosas is just bad booking, in my personal opinion.
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A few weeks ago, they did not even turn the lights off for her when she made a run-in and attacked the heels. Rosemary should be protected by Impact, just like Bray Wyatt has been protected by Vince McMahon.
It's not easy to get a Supernatural character over in 2019 and half the battle is won with Rosemary, so Impact should be judicious about the other half!