I don't think I have a single complaint about how this week's episode of Impact Wrestling played out, really. Personally, I'd recommend this show over a lot of other stuff that we get to see from the other, bigger companies.
And hence, the criticism that I've noticed in this article in the 'Worst' section isn't really slamming the product. These are just pet peeves that can be ironed out, in due time.
There wasn't a single point during the broadcast where I actually felt bored, and if anything, I thought that the show delivered on all fronts. Whether it was the wrestling or the entertainment aspect, Impact Wrestling provided us with everything and then some.
The number of people who'd tuned in to watch the live broadcast was quite significant as well...
#1 Best: The North scores a very dominant victory
I really like how Ethan Page and Josh Alexander are being booked on the show because they really are a good team. The two men have been putting on some great matches, and even though there was a chance that the newly formed team of Ortiz and Daga would get the rub, I'm glad that they went ahead with The North.
Sure Daga and Ortiz did not have the same kind of chemistry that Santana and Ortiz do, but the main event match was a solid affair, with two great teams giving it their all. I wonder if this pairing continues or if this was just a one-off showcase, just to get Daga in the roster so that he has a launchpad for the future.
As for Page and Alexander, they seem to have assumed the spot that LAX had. They will probably be the highlight and the focus of the tag team champions in the coming weeks.
#1 Worst: But where do they go from here?
A Champion is only as strong as his/her challengers. You create magic when you're in a program with someone significant, someone strong.
Someone who can bring the best out in you! And after this modified LAX lineup as well as The Rascalz, anyone else that The North faces will be a step down.
Taking nothing away from The Desi Hit Squad and The Deaners, because they've been portrayed as comedy characters, you can only take them seriously to a certain extent, I feel. The lack of depth has been a major concern in the tag team division for Impact Wrestling and Konnan even voiced this on a conference call I was once on, even when LAX and oVe were setting the world on fire!
The loss of the Lucha Bros to AEW was a really big blow to the company's tag team division.
#2 Best: The extremely mature Eddie Edwards, Ace Austin, and Alicia storyline
Because WWE has strayed from the more adult-oriented content they once used to put on, some Impact segments may come as a shock to viewers used to other styles of content. Even though WWE has claimed that it's going to become edgier, it is a family-oriented product and it draws the line at certain points. Impact does not, because they don't really have a major TV network that they call home.
The love triangle between Eddie Edwards, his wife Alicia, and Ace Austin, a man who likes 'married women', is certainly a very interesting storyline. Eddie Edwards has been portrayed as a raving lunatic, and now he's insecure about his wife's intentions, leading to what is a very compelling feud.
Without going into particulars, he used a certain word on this week's show, that made waves online! Fans who missed the Attitude Era should watch Impact Wrestling.
#2 Worst: Havok just stops?
Havok and Taya were having quite a good match, where Havok clearly had the upper hand. She delivered a first power move that Taya kicked out of, much to the surprise of the audience. But then, she delivered a chokeslam and was three seconds away from becoming Champion.
When Su Yung's music hit, she took an eternity to amble to the ring to confront Havok. In this span of time, Havok could have easily become the Impact Knockouts Champion. This was a segment that made no sense at all because it just looks silly when competitors get distracted and forget they're part of an ongoing match.
I know that believability is something that cannot be spoken of in a segment with undead bridesmaids but at the same time, this is something that really bothered me to no end. Havok vs. Yung should be a fun feud though!
#3 Best: The X-Division championship match
With all due respect to Rich Swann, the title wasn't really defended a lot back when he was the X-Division Champion. And I'm baffled as to why this is the case because Swann should have been tearing it up with other Superstars in the roster.
Swann could have potentially had feuds with Pentagon and Fenix for the X-Division Championship or even the current Champion, a certain Mr. Jake Crist. Crist put on a show to remember against Aiden Prince, to kick off the show this week.
No, it wasn't the best X-Division match I've seen, but it was a great reminder of how good the X-Division can be. Crist is one of the most underrated performers in the roster right now, and he can tear it up with anyone.
As talented as Prince is, I think he needs a gimmick before he can rise up the ranks.
#3 Best/worst: No World Champion present
Brian Cage is one of the nicest guys in pro wrestling and it is really sad to see him battling injuries like he is right now. He should be front and center with his title. This is the greatest moment of his career and it's a shame that he can't share it with his fans, every single week.
Watching a wrestling show where the World Champion is absent is just weird and awkward. I commend Impact Wrestling on trying to make a storyline out of it, by involving Melissa Santos and Jimmy Jacobs, but it just felt incomplete somehow.
In any case, this week's episode of Impact Wrestling was a delight to watch and these three complaints are not really complaints. I'll also write up an interview with Sami Callihan as and when I get a bit of free time, this week.
Do you enjoy Impact Wrestling?