2) Best - Braun Strowman

Few WWE Superstars have been able to do what Braun Strowman has in such a short time. The Monster Among Men might have started his career as a Rosebud and member of the Wyatt Family but since he landed on Raw and was on his own some great things have happened for him.
The WWE Universe has rallied around him and they were more than excited to see him accept Curt Hawkins' challenge. After initially running away, Braun caught up with Hawkins and sent him through a table on the arena floor.
But Braun Strowman wasn't finished with Curt Hawkins yet so he hit a running powerslam on the entrance ramp that destroyed part of the set in the process.
After all of that, he returned to the ring and said he's not leaving until he gets some real competition. Dean Ambrose answered the call because as Booker T put it, "He has nothing to do tonight guys."
Dean hit Strowman with everything he had but in the end, The Monster Among men won with a running powerslam after catching Ambrose during his top rope elbow drop.