4) Best - Mickie James still has it

When Alexa Bliss came down to run her mouth about her recent victory at No Mercy she had no idea what would happen next. Little Miss Bliss berated fans with outstanding insults while pulling out instances from real life.
"You are all so fascinated with the idea of what might happen tomorrow, you don't even appreciate the fact that you are in the presence of a goddess right now!" Alexa Bliss yelled at the crowd. Her promo was fire but it would heat up even more when Mickie James joined her in the ring.
James brought up the fact she didn't need Bliss to list her accolades but did so anyway. While Bliss was mocking toward James, the veteran performer came back with a response even more cutting and serious.
Mickie James dared Alexa Bliss to say to her face what Bliss said on Raw Talk the previous night. When Bliss finally called Mickie James an "old lady," Mickie slapped her across the face.
After a Mick Kick to Bliss's head, the Raw Women's Champion scurried out the ring and walked up the ramp to try again another day. It looks like Mickie James is challenging Alexa Bliss for the title and she started off looking very strong in the process.