SmackDown Live has not been the best show of late. This week's show was once again a mixture of good and bad. As is customary, we shall segregate the two for this post-show article. Welcome to 'Best and Worst' of SmackDown Live.
This week, the blue brand of WWE came to us from the Sprint Center in Kansas City, MO. Everything about the show felt 'so-so' from beginning to end. There wasn't anything remarkably bad, but there was little to write home about as well.
As always, do not hesitate to leave a comment in the section right below. We'd love to hear your precious opinions.
So what were the aspects that worked and those that did not?
#1 Best: The main event

We've watched many Owens vs Zayn matches thus far. And much like fine wine, their matches seem to get better with time. The two men share incredible chemistry and know each other's move set inside out. They showed just how good they are again, this week.
Even AJ Styles on commentary seemed to be taken in by their amazing skill set. Despite the fact that the match did not finish clean, it was a good spectacle for what it was. We echo the crowd's 'this is awesome' sentiment.
The main event had been heavily hyped, advertised and promoted for a week. This match just delivered in every single way it could have with both men taking each other to the limit.
We wonder if we'll ever get a Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn match on a stage like WrestleMania.
#1 Worst: Top Ten List

Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan had discussed the 'Top 10 List' last week. We'd assumed that it would be a device to further feuds or storylines, in the future. This week, we were graced with the first instalment of the list. A bunch of names were rattled out, and nothing more.
Therefore, with due apologies to Chris Jericho, we'd like to do something. Top 10 List, you know what happens when you don't make sense? Do you? Well, you just made the list!
#2 Best: The U.S. Title Match

A babyface turn for Rusev has been a long time to come, quite honestly. It is also universally agreed that Roode is a much better heel than a babyface. We forgot all of that the minute the bell sounded. Roode and Rusev had a wonderful match.
Kudos to Bobby Roode, as always, for doing the basics right. He sold his back immediately following the spine buster because a man of his size would have to strain his back to lift someone like Rusev up. These little touches greatly augmented the match.
It's hard to pick if this match was better or the main event. Let us know in the comments what you thought!
#2 Worst: Ziggler's lacklustre return

Dolph Ziggler must be the most misused superstar in WWE history. They looked like they had something on the cards for him when he walked out after winning the US Championship. He returned, without fanfare, at the Royal Rumble. Just as he'll return, without fanfare, the following week.
What was the point of the whole 'walking out' storyline, if this was the payoff? Underwhelming does not even begin to describe it. Let's hope WWE does have some real plans for him, next week.
#3 Best: Two interesting potential feuds

The audience had been clamoring for Harper and Rowan to get their due. Looks like they will, in a feud against The Usos. The Bludgeon Brothers have seemed absolutely unstoppable thus far. In many ways, they are the Braun Strowmans of the SmackDown Live tag team division.
What happens when they run up against their first real challengers? Can The Usos stop them? Or will they plough through The Usos for gold as well?
We're also intrigued by the possibility of Bobby Roode vs. Randy Orton. Orton can benefit from working with a fresh face and Roode can be enhanced by being in a program with the legend. Is it possible that WWE had nothing planned for Randy Orton? Although it seems like it might be a multi-person title match at Fastlane, Bobby Roode vs Randy Orton could be the direction for WrestleMania.
The next few weeks should be quite interesting indeed.
#3 Worst: The Riott Squad

We like the idea in theory. Three young women, who're fairly new to the main roster, can benefit greatly from working with a performer like Charlotte Flair. However, it's just not translating well to screen. Flair's just too far superior to these three girls, in every department.
While Ruby Riott is fairly competent, and Liv Morgan has the potential to do well someday, Sarah Logan is just the greenest of the lot. Her expression, when she got evicted from the ring this week, just seemed far too vacant. Right now, we wouldn't even mind a return from the Welcoming Committee to be spared from this travesty.
#4 Best/worst: The Fastlane main event
How many times must we see AJ Styles against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn? This week, we learned that they'll square off again in a Triple Threat match, come Fastlane. This is not a match anyone's really excited about. Styles should be facing new opponents.
The only consolation to this whole saga is that the match will probably be a really good one. These men do not disappoint, and we're certain they'll deliver on the big stage. So, we go into the match with mixed feelings.
And at this juncture, we'd like to conclude this week's edition of 'Best and Worst'. We'll have all the highlights from NXT coming up, in some twenty-four hours.
Until the next time, live well, folks!
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