#1 Worst: A major missed opportunity with the man in the dog costume
I wasn't a big fan of the man in the dog costume at the top of the show. But as people in the Sportskeeda chat kept reminding me, I am probably not WWE's target audience and little kids are!
Even with that in mind, if I give them the creative license to further the Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin feud in the manner they are, I thought that they missed a trick with the man in the costume. He could have been revealed as Matt Riddle or Keith Lee!
The whole Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin feud just seems very half-baked to me right now. The match with Ali and Shorty G against Ziggler and Roode was great, but the setup itself wasn't very exciting.
I realize that it's a show for children, but even children's shows have better writing more often than not.