Where do I even begin with Super Show-Down? To be honest, I wouldn't necessarily call it a bad show, and I daresay it was a better international show than The Greatest Royal Rumble was. But there was a lot about the show that I did not care for too much. Which is why some of the events will enter the 'Best' column and the other half will be dubbed 'Worst'.
The crowd in Melbourne was hot for a lot of the events, so that was a plus. They were also surprisingly quiet for some of the matches that I would have assumed they would be vocal for. The Australian crowd was not easy to read.
Anyway, I would love to hear your take on this special WWE event. Did you think it was worth your time and the $9.99 you spent to watch it?
Leave your review in the comments section below.
#1 Best: The one and only title change

Let me be honest and confess that I do not watch 205 Live. The best compliment that I can confer upon this match is that it convinced me to start watching the show. It was the perfect stage for a title change, especially if Buddy Murphy was going to win the big prize. And both Murphy and Alexander brought their A Game.
Both men knew that the main roster superstars would be afforded many other similar opportunities down the line. But for these two, it was a make or break moment. So they just stepped through the curtain and stole the show.S
Some of you may say that the show felt unimportant because there weren't enough title changes. I daresay that this one title change was just perfect, all things considered.
Congratulations to Buddy Murphy!
#1 Worst: Super Slow Down

Credit where credit is due. My colleague Gary Cassidy came up with 'Super Slow-Down' in our top secret SK writer chatroom. I know that my following words may be construed as blasphemous. But these are my views and may not echo your own.
I was bored during the main event match between The Undertaker and Triple H. I thought it went on for far too long. And I have fond memories of both men in their prime, so this was a little disappointing.
What would have saved the match is a special guest referee coming out when the original referee got knocked down. That would have been a welcome twist in the tale of two legends.
Is anyone excited about the possible tag team match at Crown Jewel after this slow paced affair?
#2 Best: The Ambrose tease

During the course of the 6-Man tag team match between The Shield and The Dogs of War, Roman Reigns accidentally knocked Dean Ambrose out. And there came a point where the crowd was undecided about which side Dean Ambrose would side with. Ambrose chose to align himself with The Shield.
This little bit of storytelling made the match. It kept the contest from being a meaningless 6 man tag team affair. I especially loved how weeks of build up eventually led up to this moment.
I also liked the fact that it was Ambrose who picked up the win. This made him look pretty strong, in a pool of 6 legitimate superstars.
#2 Worst: Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz

Daniel Bryan and The Miz had a fantastic build leading to this match. And then, the two men met in Australia. However, their match was over even before it really got under way.
This was the first real head scratching moment of the show. Why would such a fantastic lead up result in such a dud finish? I do hope it plays out on SmackDown Live.
Maybe the two men just ran out of time. I would have preferred to see more of this contest than the eventual main event.
#3 Best: The upset

Ever since they've been called up, The IIconics have been little more than enhancement talent. I was actually quite elated to see them pick up a win over Naomi and Asuka. And this is because I don't think the makeshift tag team has much of a shelf life. If the Tag Team Championships are going to be introduced, then it's time for the IIconics to make their presence felt.
It's a shame to see that Asuka has been reduced to a dancing sideshow. But I guess her loss is the IIconics' gain.
#3 Worst: John Cena's weak finisher

Everything about the match was great, except the finisher. I thought Kevin Owens and Elias set the stage perfectly with their promo at the top of the match. I thought the hot tag to Cena brought the crowd alive. But then Cena's finisher would ruin it all.
What do you guys think of Cena's new hair? Also his ripped new look?
#4 Best/worst: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

You give these two WWE superstars half an opportunity to shine, and shine they will! I thought AJ Styles and Samoa Joe had a great match. I did not particularly care for where it was on the card, though. I thought it happened far too soon.
Also, for a No DQ match, both men resorted to using foreign objects far too late in the game. Because of how personal it should have been, I would have assumed they would have gone all out at the start. It was a good match, but not a perfect one.
What did you think about Super Show-Down, readers? Did it live up to the hype for you guys?
It was certainly great to see Liv Morgan return!