I thought that the final episode of SmackDown on the USA Network should have been bigger than it was. I know that all the fanfare has been reserved for the FOX premiere, but a great portion of the show felt like absolute filler.
But that said, I wouldn't say that it was a bad show at all, in many ways. It's much easier to captivate an audience for 2 hours than 3, so Eric Bischoff has a much easier job than Paul Heyman.
What did I enjoy and what did I not enjoy about this week's show? Follow this 'Best and Worst' column and find out for yourself, reader!
And also, feel free to weigh in with your thoughts, comments, and opinions in the section below about whether or not you were a fan of this week's dose of wrestling action.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
#1 Best: The Kabuki Warriors get a push
There was a lot that I absolutely loved about the Kabuki Warriors match with Fire and Desire. Mandy Rose has been showcased as a vain character who's in love with herself for appearing on the cover of certain magazines and even shared a pretty hilarious moment with Otis from Heavy Machinery.
Even during the match she would seem distracted, and this would allow the Kabuki Warriors to pick up arguably the biggest win of their career and potentially go on to face Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross, for the Tag Team Championships. I have been very vocal about Alexa and Nikki not having any challengers and being forced to enter the Sasha-Becky storyline when they should be having their own feuds.
I know that people would prefer Asuka as a singles star, but this is cool too. It elevates Kairi Sane, who's insanely talented in her own right.
#1 Worst: Not furthering the paternity angle
I guess Chad Gable vs. Elias is a great feud but I thought that WWE missed a trick with the Mike Kanellis match this week. The paternity angle should have been furthered instead of it being just a regular squash match, I feel.
Mike and Maria's angle is the most character work they've done since they've arrived in WWE. With the brand split, the stars will be split, and WWE will need to keep things interesting by having their undercard have compelling characters as well.
It's baffling why WWE would tease this storyline and then drop it the subsequent week, because I thought it had the legs to go for a long time. I'm guessing it's not PG in the purest sense of the word, but then again, it's hardly Attitude Era content.
An edgier WWE will bring a lot more fans back to weekly television.
#2 Best: Babyface Daniel Bryan returns
Daniel Bryan was a great heel but we all knew that the greatest equity in him lies as a babyface. Let's consider the facts for a moment. He's a real-life environmental warrior when global warming is a matter of such great concern across the world, and even a decadent wrestling fan cannot boo Daniel Bryan for changing his ways, in such an environment (no pun intended).
Moreover, he returned after being told that he would have to call it quits and is back to performing at the very highest level. A movie could be written about the man and I'm guessing it would be embraced by non-wrestling fans as well. I love the fact that he'll get to elevate Harper and Rowan with him turning babyface.
I'd have loved to see him take on a face Roman Reigns as a heel too. I'm guessing those plans are scrapped, for the time being.
#2 Worst: Where is The Revival?
Why did I link a video of Alexa Bliss and Scott Dawson in a skit together? Because that's the best we can do at a point where the SmackDown Tag Team Champions can't even get on the show. I mean The New Day gets a match, but the champs cannot get one?
I've always maintained that it's one thing to become the champion and another to stay relevant with the titles in tow. You can call yourselves the top guys but are you really the top guys if you get no TV time? And it's absolutely mind-boggling that WWE will not even showcase their Tag Champions on TV.
The Revival could be lighting it up with the likes of The Usos every week on television, I'm sure. To have them not do anything at all is seriously undermining their talent and skill, to a massive degree.
#3 Best: Sasha shows her vicious side
When you look at Sasha Banks and everything she's been doing as a heel, it's a wonder that she was ever a babyface. Being a bad girl comes so naturally to her both on screen and on social media as well.
This week, SmackDown Live went off the air with Sasha Banks launching an attack on Becky Lynch while she cut a promo in the backstage area. This was a prelude to just how mean and how vicious Sasha Banks can be and displayed that she'll show no quarter inside the cell.
I really do think that this is the match that could potentially steal the show, even more than the match between the two men. And this is because The Fiend will have to act in a certain manner inside the cell, while the women can go 'all out'.
Heel Sasha is awesome.
#3 Best/Worst: Including Carmella in the Tag Team match
I really love the idea of Charlotte Flair and Carmella becoming some sort of a cohesive unit. It allows Carmella a chance to elevate herself to a respectable position in the women's division.
I also love the idea of Carmella becoming the 24/7 Champion and R-Truth being all for it, helping her out as she helped him out. But it is where these two stories intertwine, that I am not a particular fan of, because one should be kept separate from the other, in my opinion.
Bayley is a serious competitor, and Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch will take each other to hell inside a cell. Having Carmella as a part of this mix just somehow muddies the waters to me, and does not give the impression that this is a match worth taking seriously.
Keep her in one storyline or the other!
#4 Best/Worst: The Intercontinental Championship picture
There just doesn't seem to be any kind of buzz at all for the Intercontinental Championship picture at this particular point in time. Nakamura and Ali had a good match and the former went over, which was a pretty good showing, in my opinion. He needed this win to be seen as a champion who deserves to be taken seriously.
But it just does not feel as prestigious as when Miz or Rollins were champion in my opinion at least. Maybe including someone like Aleister Black into the mix will make the title picture exciting again for the fans.
Of course, I could be alone in thinking this, so feel free to correct me in the comments section right below. Do you think that the Intercontinental Championship is as prestigious as it used to be?
Maybe the title scenario needs to be blessed by a certain WWE Goddess.