#2 Worst: The attempt at humor
So, let me preface this by saying that I think that Elias is great. He plays the audience of whichever city he's currently in like they're strings on his guitar. It's the people who perform with him that end up being disappointments, in my opinion.
Finn Balor twisted the words of Elias' chorus in such a lame manner, that I felt like what Elias was originally saying was a lot funnier. The Riott Squad were a nightmare, and I think Corey Graves echoed the sentiments of the entire WWE Universe when he said that he was regretting all the decisions that had brought him to this point.
I don't mind goofy comedy when it is done well, but Kurt Angle used to do back during the Attitude Era. But someone needs to show those clips to the writers who're writing these incredibly painful segments.