#3 Best/worst: The Shield splits up
All good things in life must someday come to an end, irrespective of how successful it does become. I mean The Beatles split up at the very height of their popularity. You had Seinfeld end on a high note in its 9th season, with 75 million viewers tuning in to watch the last episode. Every good story eventually comes to its final chapter.
Everything about The Shield's final chapter was perfect, from the opening vignette to the actual match (Baron Corbin has come a very long way as a heel), to the farewell address at the end of the Network special. As the crowd chanted 'please don't go' at Ambrose, one couldn't help but feel that the moment was quite bittersweet.
The occasion was perfect but the moment was tragic. Having seen The Shield in action live, I'm quite upset that I'll never have that same privilege again.
So, to cheer me up, here's an absolutely unrelated .gif of Alexa Bliss.