#2 Worst: Brock Lesnar's pointless cameo appearance this week
Brock Lesnar appeared on the show this week but did not have an interaction with either Ricochet who made short work of Gallows or Drew McIntyre who cut an impressive promo backstage. It just seemed like his appearance was a waste.
Brock Lesnar only does very limited appearances every year and it's a shame that WWE can't find a more creative way to maximize these appearances in such a manner that it builds anticipation and excitement for his upcoming title bouts. Is there anyone in the audience at all who's more excited about his upcoming fight against Ricochet after this appearance?
This is where WWE could borrow a page or two from MMA and maybe have the two competitors do a face-off before the match actually takes place. Sure, Paul Heyman cut a great promo which had several funny lines but we've heard so many similar sounding promos over the years that I do feel like they have lost their charm as a device to promote matches.