#3 Best: The portrayal of AOP
The AOP seemed like an unbeatable team when they were down in NXT, and they pretty much ran through the whole division in the Black and Gold brand. And then they arrived in the main roster, were paired with Drake Maverick and just became a comedy act.
I personally thought that the vignettes they were shown in did a lot to build their characters and get them over like legitimate mobsters. The fact that they actually got out of their Aleister-Black-like dark room, went and beat up some jobbers was awesome.
The Viking Raiders are definitely getting a push and Akam and Rezar would be great opponents for them in due course of time. As my colleague Soumik Datta recently remarked, the new repackaged duo look like a lot like the Salamancas from Breaking Bad, don't they?
Maybe they were the inspiration for the new gimmicks!