#3 Worst: Heavy Machinery turn into The Viking Raiders
There are teams like The Ascension and The Colons who're a part of the roster and haven't had a showcase match in months. It makes a lot more sense to give them a shot against a team that has to get over than random local competitors, in my estimation.
And more importantly, does Heavy Machinery need these clashes against local competitors when a lot of the casual fanbase knows them well already? I mean did they not have a tag team title opportunity at Extreme Rules where they faced off against The New Day and Bryan and Rowan?
Cody has no chance against John Cena? Details HERE
WWE does a lot of stuff to kill time. And I don't necessarily think this is a wise ploy ahead of the move to FOX because if you don't treat your show as important, the fans won't either!
It's like The Viking Raiders slipped out of being fed enhancement talent teams every week, for Otis and Tucker to slip in. Not the best booking!