#3 Best/Worst: The backstage attacks and the main event
I loved how everything was set up with regard to Roman Reigns. After the humiliating attacks last week, he was portrayed as an unhinged being, who took apart King Corbin's security detail all on his own in the backstage area.
I just thought that the main event with Corbin and Kofi Kingston, and then Corbin and Ziggler vs. The New Day just went on for far too long. I mean it was great because the place erupted when Roman Reigns invaded the arena but it just took far too long to get there.
It's hard to care about King Corbin taking on Kofi Kingston because they had no cause to hate one another before tonight. And so, I was just waiting for the Reigns invasion that everyone in the audience knew was going to happen.
So, that is our final 'Best and Worst' before TLC. Are you excited, folks?