#3 Best: Miz TV with Shawn Michaels
The issue with talk shows like Miz TV and A Moment of Bliss is that you often know how things will pan out before they even begin. So, when it was announced that Shawn Michaels was not a guest on commentary and a Miz TV guest, I feared the worst.
But it turned out to be great, with Shawn Michaels delivering the ultimate zinger- calling Ziggler a second rate Shawn Michaels. Even though he was in the background during this segment, I thought that The Miz has really come into his own as a babyface and knows how to work a crowd as few others can.
And Ziggler finally got his moment under the sun as he got to Superkick Shawn Michaels. I'm sure this is a moment he's been dreaming of, for all of his life.
I'd really like to see Ziggler vs. Michaels someday.