#3 Worst: Relaxing the 24/7 Championship rules almost every night
I'm going to go on record and say this. Elias is the most boring 24/7 Champion in the belt's short and not-so-illustrious history and he really needs to pass the title over to someone with a better storyline going for him, at once.
Week after week, the rules have to be suspended because Elias is part of some other program on the same night. None of these programs require the 24/7 Championship to make them special, and we could have had so many exciting segments had the title been treated like it initially was.
A top AEW star just called one of his colleagues 'spoiled' and 'narcissistic' HERE.
There are so many individuals who're doing nothing right now, and someone like EC3 would have really benefited from the 24/7 Championship. Unfortunately, it just seems like this is not going to be the case at all with the way things are going.
Elias needs to lose the belt!