#1 Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Though he spent most of his career as the most beloved babyface wrestler of all time, Hulk Hogan is also the greatest villain.
Perhaps it is because of his long run as a do-gooder superhero that made his heel turn so heinous. For many fans, watching their childhood idol turn bad wasn't just infuriating, it was heartbreaking as well.
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No longer would Hogan tell them to do their best, and take their vitamins and train hard. Now, he bragged about his money and success and acted a complete and craven coward when he actually had to back up his bluster.
Hollywood Hogan would also tell blatant lies, and demand the fans worship 'the very ground he walked upon.' Simply put, the nWo would never have been the successful angle it was without Hogan's involvement. His heel turn probably saved his career, as WCW fans were beginning to reject Hogan and cheer for rival Sting instead, seeing him as their top babyface.
Here's Hogan cementing his new, heel status as he stands tall with Hall and Nash.
Ten great wrestlers who also happen to be vile villains. Did we leave your favourite bad guy off the list? Be sure to comment and let us know!