#4 Big Van Vader

Billed at 450 pounds--and the reality wasn't much lighter--Vader perhaps coined the phrase 'monster heel' when he tore through Japan and WCW in the early 1990s.
The big, powerful American could pull off moonsaults, and his powerbombs shook the very ring posts. Though he had to tone down his 'strong' style in the United States, he was still the most fearsome wrestler to ever hold the WCW world heavyweight championship.
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His later run in WWE was not nearly as impressive as what came before, but he was forced to tone down his style even more as many of the WWE wrestlers were afraid that the monster would legit injure them.
How tough was Vader? When Stan Hansen knocked Vader's eyeball out of the socket, the big man shoved it back in and continued the match!
Recently Vader has suffered a lot of health problems. We wish him the best of luck as he battles this latest foe.