WWE Superstar Braun Strowman recently posted a tweet addressing the fans, and advised them to avoid screaming at him for pictures in public places. Strowman later posted another tweet, talking about how a guy did the same at an airport, while his kids urged him to stop disturbing the wrestler.
When fans cross the line
Professional wrestlers getting heckled by fans at public places isn't something new. One of the downsides of being a celebrity with tons of social media followers is the fact that there will always be a handful of fans who don't know their boundaries. In the past, there have been several incidents where wrestlers got into altercations with unruly fans. On other occasions, wrestlers have talked about fans coming up to them with a bunch of items to sign, which they later sell online to make a quick buck. CM Punk's legendary "pipebomb" promo in 2011 threw shade at such fans. WWE Superstar Zack Ryder recently exposed fans who stoop to this level, via his Twitter handle:
"I just politely declined some “fans” who asked me to sign 5 identical Ryder figures. I had already signed 3 for them plus another different 1. They came up again. I politely declined again. They came up AGAIN...so I snapped these pictures. These people ruin it for the real fans."
Corey Graves deleted his Tweet! More details HERE.
Also read: Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks and Bayley texted Natalya after Crown Jewel match
Strowman has advice for fans
Strowman recently had an unpleasant experience with a fan at an airport. Strowman posted a tweet and stated that screaming at him at an airport in an attempt to get a picture won't bear results. Strowman then replied to several fans who tried to inquire about the incident. In another tweet, he explained that a guy approached him with this demeanor, while his kids felt embarrassed at his actions and signaled him to leave Strowman alone. Check out the tweets below:
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