In the aftermath of Survivor Series 2020, this week's Monday Night RAW kicked-off with the winning Men's RAW Team. While the Superstars involved asked and argued over the next shot at Drew McIntyre's WWE Championship, Braun Strowman crossed a line or two by attacking Adam Pearce.
For his actions from RAW, the former WWE Universal Champion has now been suspended by WWE. Taking to Twitter, WWE made the following announcement regarding Strowman's suspension.
While WWE hasn't released a timeline for Braun Strowman's suspension, WWE Digital has learned that he will be off TV indefinitely for his actions. The former Universal Champion himself also released a statement on Twitter. In his latest tweet, Strowman didn't sound too happy with the decision, as he called out WWE for the backstage politics. The former Universal Champion even claimed that by now everyone is quite familiar with the work Strowman has put in to get to this level.
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On the other hand, Adam Pearce wrote on social media that he personally doesn't feel too good about any part of the situation. But, is hoping to look past everything.
What could be in store for Braun Strowman?
As of now, it remains to be seen how long Braun Strowman's suspension will last. However, a recent report from The Wrestling Observer has claimed that the former Universal Champion is set to challenge Drew McIntyre for the WWE Title at TLC.
While the belief is to have either Riddle, Keith Lee, or AJ Styles in a title match at the PPV, WWE could be pulling a swerve on the fans. If that's not the case, then chances are Braun Strowman will have to be on the sidelines until Royal Rumble and then return in January as a surprise entrant. However, Strowman's tweet did indicate the fact that he is done following rules, so there is a possibility of him not following WWE's orders and returning toTV despite the suspension.