#2 Braun Strowman actually sizes up with his opponents
In an era of not-so-big sports entertainers, Braun Strowman stands head and shoulders above every one of his opponents. One of the last big men in the wrestling business, Braun Strowman carries the tradition of legends that came before him like The Big Show and Kane. And for a man of his size, he certainly is very nimble and agile.
Two other men who defy gravity and the laws of physics with the way they move in the ring are Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley. Braun Strowman not only sizes up with them, but he towers over them. In a clash between the three, it's impossible to pick the winner because of how protected all three men have been thus far.
WWE talks about an unstoppable force against an immovable object when it comes to most clashes, but what happens when you throw in a third invincible force of nature into the mix? We find out the answer when three big bulls clash at WrestleMania Backlash.