What was it like talking to the Hart family?
Darren Hackett: when I first messaged Diana and Georgia I was I suppose star struck thinking oh god they are famous oh god what do I say, they’re going to think I’m a nerd etc but straight away you get the idea of the type of people they are, They are some of the most down to earth people I have the pleasure of speaking to. they are always willing to speak to fans and talk pretty in depth which is very welcoming as sometimes people in the public eye can be totally the opposite to that.
Michael Finney: Agree with Darren. I often talk to the family. I met Georgia for the first time in Herefordshire and she made me welcome and she really is a lovely person. I am looking forward on meeting Diana and Harry one day.
Darren, earlier in the interview you spoke about some of the HOF inductees not deserving their spot over guys like Davey Boy Smith. Can you say which inductees you think specifically don’t deserve a spot?
Darren Hackett: I believe that the inductees of the celeb wing are un-worthy of the right to a HOF spot, to me the HOF is about the accomplishments of individual stars or team up stars who had a legendary career in the business, look at Hogan, huge wrestling Icon, might not in my opinion been the greatest wrestler but what he did for the business world wide is today un-matched and deserved. But then people who come in for 2/3 weeks and then get straight in is wrong, yes alright Trump hosted 2 WrestleMania’s but that isn’t worthy of a HOF spot neither is working for DX for a month what Tyson did, again very undeserving.
Dave Boddy: Abdullah the Butcher, never worked for WWWF, WWF, or WWE and is known for his stiff, hardcore style, and has yet to ever win a WWE championship, yet he is in. Drew Carey, he appeared at a rumble event, paid off Kane, and was eliminated, and yet he is in. Just these two names alone send shivers down the spines of fans, Drew was even booed out of the building.
Michael Finney: I personally don’t have nothing against the any celebs but this is a wrestling awards. The awards are meant for the wrestlers.
Dave Boddy: “Superstar” Billy Graham even requested to be removed from the WWE HoF after Abdullah was inducted.
With the current crop of WWE Superstars today who would you have liked to see Davey Boy Smith have a match with and why?
Michael Finney: personally, I would loved to seen Davey vs. John Cena… Their skills would be a great match but some fans might not agree with me.
Darren Hackett: I differ from Michael there too, current WWE I would have Punk, Punk has shown he can go toe to toe with numerous superstars and has great in ring matt skills. though i would love to have seen Davey face Kurt Angle if he was still in the WWE.
Dave Boddy: Bulldog vs. Tyson Kidd.
And what makes Bulldog versus Tyson Kidd so appealing to you?
Dave Boddy: Tyson Kidd was partly trained by Bulldog, and their chemistry would be somewhat comparable to Owen and Bulldog, and Tyson and I both know that would be a dream match of his.
Who was your favorite tag team partner of Davey boy Smith ?
Darren Hackett: No offence to dynamite at all but i loved his team up with Owen, the chemistry was there for all to see. though his team up with Sting in the old WCW wasn’t too bad.
Michael Finney: Owen and Jim Neidhart vs. Davey and Bret Hart.
What was your favorite match of the duo and why?
Darren Hackett: Austin and HBK vs. Owen and Davey , simply for the legendary status of all competitors in the ring, Austin and HBK weren’t too bad as a team but the chemistry of Davey and his brother in law was immense.
Michael Finney: Well, you have Owen with his amazing skill and speed and Jim Neidhart is a real powerhouse, then you got Bret who at the time was the best and in my heart he still is. Then, you have the powerful British Bulldog with his own skills and another powerhouse. it really was a treat to watch.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.