#3. The Undertaker came up with Kane's famous fire trigger
Kane's debut at In Your House 1997 was a huge turning point for his career and it showed that Kane had some kind of link to fire. There wasn't a lot of backstory to the character at the time, but interestingly Kane was able to come up with a way that he could trigger the fire on the ring posts after he Tombstoned The Undertaker.
As part of this interview with Steve Austin, Kane recalled that it was actually The Undertaker who came up with that movement for him ahead of his debut.
"Everything Kane does is the opposite of The Undertaker so you know and you notice there I didn't do it like later in my career I get into it you know, right there I just come down."
At the time, Undertaker would lift up his arms after he came out in a blackout and the lights would come up, so it was interesting to see that Kane's signature pose came from The Undertaker's original entrance since he was considered to be his brother's opposite when he first debuted.