Cesaro recently talked to The State to help promote tonight’s WWE Live Event in Columbia, South Carolina. During the interview, he claimed that he is one of the best technical wrestlers and one of the strongest wrestlers in the circuit. Here is what he had to say:
“There are a lot of guys with that aspiration, but very few that actually make it. A lot of people say they will do anything, but don’t carry through with the necessary things to achieve that. I haven’t seen my family for more than a couple of hours at a time in 10 years. That’s just an example of the type of sacrifice you have to be willing to make if you want to be the best and that’s what I am. You just have to keep your mouth shut, work hard, and if you ever get to this level, then you can start talking. That’s why I have a chip on my shoulder. That’s why I talk the way I do and say the stuff that I say. I feel like I’ve earned the right to do so.”
It is reported that Batista, who is starring in the next James Bond movie, will be flying to the UK soon to start the shoot. He had been working on the remake of the Kickboxer lately.
The video reveals about how Colt Cabana talks about his first CM Punk podcast, which aired some days back, at WrestleCade last weekend.